How does this work?

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Trees POV:
We are at Lyon N1 and I'm backstage. Taylor is about to get her hair straightened. God, that girls hair is gonna fall out before forty.

I always try to tell her to leave her natural hair out since it looks really cute, plus debut TV is coming out soon and her curls are damaged so it won't look the same. Travis also tries telling her. But someone she still makes the damage look good. That's mainly because she's just gorgeous.

"Lorrie don't straighten it. Leave it curly and just style it please." I say as I walk over to her and Taylor at her makeup station.

Lorrie nods and puts the straightener away but Taylor stops her. "No Lorrie straighten my hair!" She whines like a baby and Lorrie looks at me with a torn expression.

"Nope. Don't listen to her. Put the straightener up." I point to the drawer and she quickly puts it away.

This might sound psychotic but I love that people are scared of me. I love the power and the feeling of people listening to my every command. Especially Taylor. World famous billionaire scared of her publicist. God I love my life.

I see Taylor's pouty face and she stands up from her chair. "I'm not doing this show if I can't straighten my hair!" Taylor crosses her arms.

"Oh please! You've canceled under twenty shows in this whole tour. You'd never do that." I roll my eyes and scoff, amused.

"Why can't I straighten my hair?!" Her tone is one of a whiny child.

"Because we have Debut (Taylor's Version) next. You need to heal your curls, they're all damaged from the straightening." I cross my arms over my chest with an amused smirk on my face.

"You're not my mother. I can choose any hairstyle I want!" She stomps her foot.

"Don't you yell at me you little brat. You're a grown 34 year old woman and soon 35. You shouldn't be acting like a whiny little baby. I may not be your mother but I'm your publicist. You must listen to me!" I step up to her.

"Period." Lorrie whispers to herself and chuckles. I glare at her with a 'really?' And unamused expression.

"Exactly! I'm an almost 35 year old woman! I can choose if I want to straighten my hair! And I'm mad because you're treating me like a child!" She throws her hands up in the air.

"Is Travis here? Maybe he'll talk some sense into you." I rolls my eyes at her childish acts.

"He should be here in five minutes. But he can only come for like Lover. Cause he's having an important meeting so he needs to catch his flight." She says sadly and checks her phone.

"Alright then. He can talk you out of being childish." I look over at Lorrie and see her smirk.

"Is this funny to you? Do Taylor's curly hair." I lightly push Taylor to her chair. "Don't push me!" She pushes me back and I let out an angry laugh.

The fucking audacity. I do everything for this woman. I defend her. I deleted the AI pictures off the internet. I was there for her. Who the fuck does this bitch think she is.. well. Taylor Swift. But still. I'm her publicist. She should respect me and not fucking push me.

"Did you really just do that?" I laugh.

"You pushed me first! Don't act innocent." Her voice is defensive and angry.

"I gently nudged you. Don't act like I'm the worst person in the world. Sit in that damn chair and listen for once in your life." I snap at her.

She doesn't even fight and sits down to get styled. I flip her off behind her back and the others in the dressing room laugh. I let out a chuckle.

"God that girl is giving me gray hairs.." I look at myself in the mirror. I'm very content with my body unlike most. I know my husband and daughter love me and that's all that matters. I may not be the skinniest or prettiest but I am what I am and I love myself for it.

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