11. A similar case

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As we know not from today, breakups can be difficult. Sometimes even very difficult.
But I would never have expected that two guys who met just yesterday would be so distressed by the end of our mission, after all, we will surely meet again someday. I mean this is something that in a world filled with demons we can never know. However, we set our sights on the next meeting, either during a new mission or under completely different circumstances. After all, Rudy promised us that he would be stronger next time, and we took him at his word.
I stood impatiently on the doorstep waiting for the guys to finish talking about how they wouldn't miss each other.

- In that case I'm going alone, maybe I'll be so lucky and nothing will eat me on the way. - I said under my breath while raising my right hand to say goodbye to the boy, then turned on my heel and took two steps forward. Will Bokuto eventually move too, or should I encourage him in some other way? I glanced at his belt, or more precisely at the scabbard in which rested the last sword I made in my home village. Before we decided to set out, I asked the younger man if they had any place in the area where I could find the things I needed to make weapons. But nothing, unfortunately, in a town where few people believe in the existence of demonic beings there was nothing to expect such a position. I hope that our next opponent will not be strong enough to also turn this katana into silver powder. If this is not the case and the weapon is destroyed before the end of the fight, we will be in a quandary. We will find some way to escape, or die. The latter option seems more likely given how superhumanly fast demons can be.

- Alas, Hinata, the Lord of the burgh calls. - He uttered in the direction of the lowly white-haired boy, while I turned and sent him a murderous look.

- Mr. what? - I asked, expecting the boy to repeat himself, but as soon as I scared him enough for him to finally deign to come up to me and wave like a human being instead of getting all flustered, I quietly laughed. - Come on, such a thing is not even like me and you let yourself be scared?

- I am immeasurably happy to hear your ear-pleasing laughter again, but don't joke around like that again or I think I'll have a heart attack.

- As long as I don't do it first seeing at what dullness you dispose of the weapons I produce. - I said quite quietly walking ahead, if I remember correctly on our target is now the town of Nikeru. Apparently, there are also incidents there involving a demon in the lead role. I have to admit it, I can't wait for the next time I'm exposed to loss of life and health. Ah, sounds like a total fairy tale. What the hell have I gotten myself into.

- You signed up for this yourself! - He excused himself and crossed his arms over his death, offended again? Doesn't he really have a bit of distance from himself? I should probably get used to it, but either way I'm not going to stop bringing him to this seal. It's funny to watch.

- Well, of course it is, and he doesn't regret it one bit. Although I won't deny it, yesterday was really terrible.... - I sighed quietly, at the very thought of this demon who, not knowing why, took a liking to me.

- What if, for example, we lost. Would you agree to his proposal? - He asked with a slight seriousness in his voice, looking at me and waiting for an answer.

- Never. I would rather die than stay with someone like that, that few minutes was an extremely traumatic experience. I wouldn't be able to stand a moment longer with him, then I would probably break down. On top of that, I was curious about something else. - I paused for a moment to recall his words more accurately. - Do you perhaps remember how he said that he could contact the person who could make me like him? What do you think he meant? Is it even possible that there are demons that change people?

- I have no idea, I heard a rumor about it from my master. But nothing beyond that. Although to be honest, it makes sense, after all, after all, despite the fact that demon killers work almost all the time, their population is not decreasing at all. But whatever they do, I will defeat every one of them and not allow them to harm anyone any longer. - I heard in his voice the already familiar note of determination, the man has set as his life goal the annihilation of every demon walking in this world, will he succeed? I hope so, and I will help him as much as I can and not doubt him even for a moment.
There was still some way to go to the town designated as our destination, as we didn't quite know it, we were led by our down friend Koutaro. He was flying up the mountain a little ahead of us and in order not to get lost we couldn't leave his sight even for a moment. I remain unconvinced about carrying out missions when White-Haired is injured, but to those who gave us this task I can't object. The boy assured me that it really wasn't a big deal and that he'd rather go on a mission already wounded than let the demon haunting Nikeru get even more established there. I reluctantly agreed with him, but I'm hoping to at least get a moment to rest after this mission. I don't want my friend to collapse from exhaustion, how much effort he puts into these missions will quickly finish him off. And that worries me.
- And what are you so thoughtful about? Did something happen? - He asked glancing in my direction, while I continued to follow the fluffy flying creature with my eyes.

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