11/ Her delima

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Adhrit's POV

It was not easy to leave her but I have to as I have to build my own empire, I don't want to be called by my father's name , I want to become a successful man by my own hardwork, and on top of that my mother doesn't like anyone easily , if I would have joined dad's business she would have been rejected my princess for the marriage, and If I would be capable and would stand on my own feet she won't be able to stop me from marrying me to my princess ,

I want my princess to be successful in her life but I have noticed that from six months she is not paying attention towards her career, not like she was good before but I think because of me she is not concerned about her life , upcoming future, I don't want people to say her that she is not capable for me or she just married me for money so from today onwards i will not call her daily but she doesn't know I have my eyes on her everytime.............


Sejal's POV

Its already one month and I am missing him like hell though he call me everyday and talk nothing but about my career and to focus on my studies but how is it possible when he is not here all the time I am missing him whatever I do his image comes infront of me ,

His call came , I picked it up " he seju have you studied today ? " This is the only thing i am hearing it from one month and I always say the truth .

" You know dhrit ! " He kept quiet for few second then spoke " listen Sejal you have to study okay , it's for our own future, please babe focus on your career more than me okay ?" He asked me and I said yes , I also thought in my mind that from now I will also study and focus on my career more .

It's another month I ma dialing his number since morning but he didn't pick up and I slept without studying or without eating..

One year later.....

Adhrit's POV

It has been one year I haven't talked to her as I have been busy , it's only two years left when I will be declared as a CEO then I can go back to my Sejal , it wasn't meant to not talk to her but I think because of that she will focus on studies rather than me ..

...............................Two years , it has been two years , I am becoming restless because of her , I joined mafia , my anger issues increased and right now I am standing in a buisness party as a no one company's CEO I even left dad's company back , everyone fears me , they talk unnecessarily to me , my dad is also here and that Riya is also here and sejal's exam is going to come and then she will be graduated then I can meet her and will marry her right there only

" Everyone , give a round of applause for the no 1 ,most feared and successful man Mr. Adhrit Rajvansh , CEO of SEJDHRIT Company " the host of the party announced and spotlight fall on me

Few reporters asked me many questions which I replied them honestly, with a cold face my mind was just going back to my Sejal ..

Few seconds later dad was on the stage and he announced something that angered me and boiled my blood

" So I have good news for all of you everyone, my son and Mr.khanna's daughter are getting married next year to Riya Khanna "

What the hell to whom did he asked this how can he announced something without asking me my opinion everyone congratulated me when I saw dad leaving for washroom , I chased him and said " dad how can you do this to me , I don't like her I have someone else in my life , I will not marry her " dad turned to me and spoke " what ! Why you didn't tell it before ? " He said being worried " okay so let's go and deny this marriage proposal okay right now ? " Dad asked me but I denied him by shaking my head in no " no dad ! It will affect our company let it be as it is I will manage it later , but you tell me who told you to pull this stunt " he told me it's Riya who told

Him that we both love eachother and are willing to get married, Riya ! Riya I hate her she knows that me and Sejal are into the relationship but still she has to do things like this I will not leave you I will fucking destroy you , and I left as I have a important meeting ,......

Sejal's POV

It has been three years he didn't talked to me I have started studying because of him and my exams are coming soon then I will be graduated, I don't know anything about him , what's happening with him nothing but I trust him he will not cheat me he will come back to me soon , everyday my friends and family ask about him and I told them he is good he talk to me daily and all lie which can satisfy them ............I was getting bored so I sat with my father he was watching TV , news was going on , I was not interested in watching that when

I saw him Adhrit fucking after three years he was now a no 1 buisness man I saw his image he looked more handsome than before and little bit scary okay more scary I was lost in his image when I saw Riyas image with him and that reporter was saying about their marriage what ! Marriage with her how can it be possible no no ! I am dreaming , suddenly there was clip of his father announcing about his marriage and him with people congratulating him , I looked

Towards my dad he looked shocked as me my tears started coming on its own my dad hugged me tightly and asked me what happened in these three years ,............ I explained him everything and he hugged me tightly when I started sobbing by now mom and avyan to came and listening to dad they also got worried for me ,

" It was lie all lie he promised me to talk to me daily but he never did it was all fake he was playing with my feelings he backstabbed me dad " i said crying into my father's arm

Patting my head he spoke " it's okay sej forget him just focus on your future and study hard to make him regret his decision you are my strong daughter na you can't be this much weak " he said hugging me and making me understand to fight back with the situation

" Yes dad I will now focus on my studies and will forget him I will do everything you will tell me to do " I said wiping my tears standing up and leaving for my room I closed the door and dropped to the floor , hugging my knees I cried and when I was not able to control myself I broked everything single thing in my room

" From now onwards , Sejal is dead for you Adhrit Rajvansh, you broked me two times but not now I don't want you in my life again I will just focus on my studies, you are just the bad memories of my life I fucking hate you to the extent , now i am not going to cry for you , I don't care whom you get married what you do I just fucking hate you " I yelled and broked my phone which was having his photo I don't want bad memories in my life now that's enough, now I don't care about anyone I will live my life and will build up my career ......


Again most awaited chapter uff I am tired now , how was the chapter? Did you liked it , I know I took it too fast but manage please and about months and all I also got confused so please don't ask questions on that

Next update will be by Tue or mon

I am not sure but I will try !

Tab tak bye bye ,

Your author rose 🌹 .


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