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Sejal's POV

I woke up by the calling of my name , I looked around to see Adhrit's brother and sister was there looking at me nervously but I looked clearly to only to find myself on the hospital bed along with some wires connected toy hands , but the question is why I am here ? What happened to me ? I tried to remember and it hitted me that incident! Ooh God Adhrit ! Where is he ? I panicked upon not seeing him as the last thing I saw was him with blood stains I clearly remember,

I saw Ishaan and holding his collar I asked furiously " where is Adhrit ? " He looked down but didn't replied I was almost choking him so Vihaan and Ashi tried to stop me , I left him and glared at everyone in anger I jerked my hand and all the wires got disconnected from me blood was coming from it but I didn't cared about that .

" Bhabhi ...stop you will hurt yourself" Vihaan tried to stop me but I throwed everything on the floor which came infront of me and yelled at everyone
" I want Adhrit Rajvansh here damnit! " And dropped to the floor , tears were flowing from my eyes thinking he left me ! I know I was going to divorce him but not want to see him dead ! I still fucking have feelings for him ,

" Adhrit ! " I yelled his name " you can't leave me ! " I continued and Ashi held my arms " no bhabhi bhaiya hasn't left you he will come back " she tried to console me but I was not in my senses ! " Stay away from me , you all are lying let me take me to him " jerked her hands and asked her to take me to his body , " but bhaiya will come soon bhabhi " vihaan said but

I shouted " how can he come back huh ! How ? When I myself saw him with blood " and they all looked at me confused " what ? " They all asked together " you think bhaiya is dead ? " Ashi asked me and I looked at them "what does that mean ? " I asked and they started smiling " fucking stop smiling and tell me " I yelled as I was getting impatient.

" Bhabhi you got wrong everything, actually you were the one who fainted on the main road and bhaiya was also coming from that route so he picked you up here " they told me and I somehow relaxed but what about blood on his face and his shirt " but what about the blood I saw on him ? " I asked them to get my answer, but listening me they all looked nervous

And after few seconds later Ishaan said " ahh ... That bhaiya got into some fight in the market that's why " oohh shit I forgot that I left him there to get beaten by public shit ! He was injured to much .

Now I regret my decision of making him hurt "but where is he right now ? " I asked them and they told me that he is getting my medicines and will come soon , so now I was sitting there waiting for impatiently.

I looked up upon seeing the door cracking sound and saw him with few bandages on his face and oh his head I looked at him in concern but before I can ask him anything he ran to me and hugged me tightly ...." Are you okay ? " He asked and I couldn't help but to nod at him he looked at me from head to toe to confirm if I am having any injury or not and suddenly he held my hand " what's this ? " He yelled at Ishaan and other too " bhaiya - " there words halted by his loud voice " stop ! Get me the freaking first aid " he ordered them .

" Adhrit I - " I tried to ask him about that incident as what I saw was the cause of my fainting .but he stopped me showing me his hands, after getting me bandaged he shouted "leave ! " And they exited leaving us alone .

" Now ask what you want to ! " He spoke in his soft voice , bipolar !

Adhrit's POV

" Who was that girl ? " She asked me and I frozed at my place I can't tell her about that girl , she is talking about that girl who tried to hurt my Sejal and she is my rival , when I was coming back after getting beated by the public I saw my rival Amisha Roy chasing my wife yes I saw Sejal by the back window and Amisha following her so I slowed by car and let sejal's cab drive away from us , I smirked before shooting her car's tyre .

The car stopped and I stepped out of my car to check on her but she was not there so I looked around and to see her running in sejal's direction, I took followed her and she was now a head of her cab and that was the best time to shoot her I shoot her directly at her head smirking but to my bad sejal's cab stopped that time only just beside her body I was having a silencer in my gun so no one can accuse me for her murder , but there I saw Sejal dropping to the floor and

Fainting there so rushed to her and took her here , " hello ! I asked you something ? " I came out of my trance hearing her voice " huh ! " I looked at her and she raised her eyebrows at me " how will I know Sejal ? I was just coming from that route when I saw you fainting just beside that girl's dead body and know she is dead " I told her the half truth she nodded at me and asked " are you okay !" What ! Did I heard something wrong ? " What ! Am I dreaming ?" I whispered but it voiced out loud " no you are not , now tell me are you fine ? " I looked at her adoring she still care for me .

" Hmm , I am fine " I said and she nodded but again she with her questions and answers asked me " why you didn't tell them that who you are when you were getting beated by them " I looked at her smiling and said " because I don't want to ruin your happiness of getting your revenge successfully love " she looked irritated by that and said " the fuck is wrong with you how can you say that ? I know deep inside you just wanted to kill me " she said and I

Smiled at her before replying " no one can touch you sweetheart not even me and killing you is far away from my thinking, I can tolerate anything to make you happy even if it cost my respect " and she just looked other side leaving me smiling......


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