Chapter 7

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Between Eden and I, I usually am up before her but today I woke to her panicking... "Har wake up they need you Dumbledore, Barty, and Bagman," she says, her eyes worried...

"Fuck okay I'm up," I say while getting into my Slytherin jumper and a skirt putting on fishnets underneath, pairing my Mary Janes quickly, and doing my hair and makeup as I walked down the stairs I put on jewelry on the way down. Being late is one of my pet peeves. I sprinted upstairs just before Harry was dropped off by a second year. 

"Today Mr. Ollivander will be weighing your wands," Bagman says, shifting himself in the way he stood he seemed uncomfortable "To see if your wands are fully functional

"Bagman, could I get a word with Mr and Ms. Potter?" Rita asked. I looked at Harry and my eyes were panicked. "Don't say anything that will get you into trouble better yet, don't say anything," I mutter to Harry. He nodded as Rita pulled him into a broom closet. We stood in silence. I could feel the older champions staring at me. I narrowed my eyes to make it look like I wasn't to be messed with.

"Madame Maxine, pourquoi cette fille laide et ce garçon doivent-ils nous rejoindre ? Je ne comprends pas qu'ils ne soient pas assez vieux ni assez intelligents pour rivaliser avec nous, les plus âgés." Fleur asks Madam Maxine {Translation Madam Maxine why must this ugly girl and that boy join us I don't understand they aren't old enough nor smart enough to compete with us older ones." 

I try not to laugh or smirk. She is speaking in French thinking, I won't understand, which is amazing and bloody hilarious. 

"Ne t'inquiète pas Fleur, tu n'auras pas à t'inquiéter pour eux, ils ne dépasseront pas la première tâche" Madam Maxine says to Fleur trying to ease her anger {Translation Don't worry Fleur you won't have to worry about them they won't make it past the first task.

I think to myself, what a bitch I should say something. I think of what to say. I cleared my throat getting their attention. I stared into their eyes as cold as ice "Le fait de porter atteinte à des personnes que vous ne connaissez pas est très faible pour les femmes de votre statut. Gardez votre précieux petit nez hors de tout ce que nous ne voulions pas autant que vous ne le vouliez pas tous. Puis-je ajouter que je suis très intelligent en tête de tous mes cours, la plupart d'entre eux étant avancés." I say, still glaring at them both. Their facial features merged into shock.{translation Undermining people you don't know is very low for women of your status. Keep your precious little noses out of everything. We didn't want this just as much as you all didn't. Might I add that I'm very intelligent top of all of my classes, most of which I am advanced in}

The silence went back. You could hear a feather drop in the room. Finally, Dumbledore arrived and swung the door open to the little broom closet. "Rita, we must get started on the wand weighing and I currently don't think Harry here can do that from in this tiny broom closet. Now leave" Dumbledore says as Harry emerges from the broom closet. Rita huffs and stomps out of the room 

"Now we will start Mademoiselle Delacour, could you bring your wand up," Ollivander says sweetly as he twirled the wand between his long fingers. The wand was emitting pink and gold sparks. He examined it very closely. "Ah, nine and a half inches... not flexible... rosewood and oh dear contacting dear me..." 

"A hair from the head of a Veela," I say as I also examine the wand I used to work for Ollivander over the summer to get some pocket money. 

She looked at me, her eyes hardened. "One of my grandmuzzer's" she said glaring at me 

I smirk at her. People are finding out her charm isn't as strong as she wants it to be. After Cedric, it was my turn. "Ms Snape, I don't think I saw you in my shop your first year." I shake my head, no answering statement. 

"You didn't, sir. My dad gave this one to me," I say, handing it over. "Do you take care of it well?" He asks me. I nod he examines it "Ah, I remember this wand. This is Lily Potter's wand. I remember it very well. It was the first wand I handed her in my shop. It was an instant. Ah yes, 10 1/4 long, very swishy... and the dragon heartstring very powerful indeed, Ms.Snape, Expecting amazing things from you," He says handing my wand back. 

"Alright Mister Potter, you are up next," Ollivander says as Harry comes up and hands him the wand. 

After Ollivander takes Harry's wand, he seems to smile. "Ah yes, Mister Potter, your wand is in perfect condition Holly wood 11 inches and phoenix feather core," Ollivander says as he places the wand back into Harry's Possession. "All the champion's wands are in tiptop shape Professor Dumbledore," He says with a smile 

"The first task is November 24th. Now go to classes. You will be exempt from end-of-the-year exams except for Harley Snape. You will be taking your owls," Dumbledore says peering over his half-crescent glasses  

{A couple of days later} 

"Why so tense Potter? My father and I have a bet you see!" Malfoy says as he is perched in a tree like a bird. "See, I don't think you are going to last ten minutes in this tournament he disagrees. He believes you won't last five," Malfoy says, jumping out of the tree 

" I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy!" Harry says. I sigh as I stand up from the bench I'm sitting on and go over to the commotion. "He's vile, and he's cruel, and you're just pathetic." I reach Harry and pull him back, not wanting him to get into a fight 

Malfoy Drew his wand, then Professor Moody stepped in. "Oh No you don't Sonny," He said as he turned Malfoy into a white ferret. My body began to sway as the world began to spin. I didn't know what was happening, but as it happened, I stopped swaying and I saw cages... cages filled with dragons fire-spitting dragons whatever that was a vision of some sort someone was shaking me violently my eyes open "Dragons that's the first task." I ask in a hushed voice to Harry 

"Yeah hold did you know?" He asked 

"I just um touched you and saw it," I said, confused at what the hell just happened.

His face went confused. "I don't know don't ask," I say, walking away and going to find Eden. My first stop was the Library looking down every line of selves I hear someone. It sounded like Theodore. "Oh, Cara Mia" is what I heard. I round the corner to Eden and Him. He was leaned up against a wall of books and Eden was under his tall frame. I giggle. "Well, I hate to ruin whatever this is, but Eden Dragons, the first task is dragons," I say with a grin.

"A bloody Dragon," Eden says pushing Theodore out of her way 

"Yeah one for each of us" I say with a chuckle. I mutter "Oh cara mia we will talk about this later," I say glancing at Eden and Theo. Eden laughs nervously and blushes as Theo looks away like he doesn't want to get his ass beat.

"We need to get started now. We only have a few weeks to figure out a plan," I say, taking Eden's hand and pulling her away from the fresh new boy candy. 

A/N Hey y'all last update until probably next Friday or Saturday I have camp for the next two weeks I'm leaving tomorrow so I hope you guys enjoy this one. I love y'all!!  

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