MSOS Chapter 2: Shyness and Bonding.

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I sighed as i closed my book and placed it in its spot on the bookshelf as Aaron and Cliff came running into the library calling for me.



"have you seen the shy boi?"

"no? You havent seen him either?"


"Did you two look in his normal spots?"

"Hes not at the pond or the fields or sitting on the bridge and we asked the General and hes not on a mission due to us not being on a mission, so we have no clue!"

"Have you checked his room?"

"...Cliff, we are idiots."

"... huh probably should have done that first."

I sighed facepalming as the two stared at each other, Aaron then turned to me and said "We plan on asking Li- Shy to hang out with us. Wanna come along?" i thought it over before replaying "Sure, at least this way I can make sure you don't overwhelm him." "Fair."

The three of us made our way over to Shy's place and as we walked in and began looking around for him Aaron called us over while shushing us and I soon knew why.

Shy was curled around Snowy, who had her muzzle pressed into Shy's neck who had their head resting on top of Snowy's, it was admittedly absolutely adorable. Cliff then 'whispered' Waaaait... where did that fox bed come from?" which brought my attention to the fox bed sitting next to Shy's bed.

Its base was made out of oak and had what seemed to be soft green wool lining the inner walls of the fox bed, while the bed itself was a soft snow white that seemed to have been made of wool filled with feathers to make it so plush. There were green nature embroideries in the soft green wool and some small snowflake designs on the snow white bed. The oak was smooth and had a slight shine to it, admittedly it was excellently made.

Aaron elbowed Cliff for waking up Snowy with his 'whispering' which in turn caused Shy to stir. Snowy yawned and looked over at us before flicking her tail into Shy's face before hopping into the fox bed and curling up inside it instead.

Shy yawned as he sat up the multitude of white blankets fell around him as he rubbed his eyes and asked in a tired tone "Cliff... what?" I then decided to speak up as Shy got out of bed and took one of the lighter blankets and began to cover Snowy with it. "Sorry for waking you, but we were wondering if you wanted to hang out?"

Shy hummed as he stretched, he was wearing a baggy white sweater which was lose on him along with some black sweats, he seemed to consider what we said and then said "... if we could stay here? Sorry its just... so much has happened so quickly and im um kinda... um put out by it? Sorry."

Aaron stepped forward and shook his head as he said "No its fine, the General planned on sending out some other guards cause he thought he should give you some time to adapt, and besides i never realized how calming your place was." Shy laughed as he began moving over towards the barrels he used to hold his stuff.

"Yea, despite how i act as Light, im still not very good with um crowds and chaos... im better with it, but um it still can get to me." Shy said to which Aaron hummed and said "I get it." at which Cliff decided to enter the conversation from where he had sat down next to Snowy where he was petting her head.

"What cha doing shy boi?" Shy sputtered at the nickname as the orange parts of his face turned a deeper orange while the white spots gained a faint orange hue, Shy then took a breath before saying "im looking for my brush, my hair is a nightmare to deal with when it gets tangled... ugh where did i put it?"

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