Chapter 12 - Apology

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"Mike, what the actual fuck? How do you get yourself into these situations?" Lucas asked him, genuinely astonished.

"I don't know!" Mike scowled.

"Dude, you need to go in and talk to him." Lucas demanded.

"I can't! I didn't only just call him a slur!" Mike scowled.

"Mike, what the fuck!?" Lucas shrieked, "Jesus Christ, just tell me everything that you did." He sighed.

"Um, well after I basically called him a slur I went and said sorry because I felt bad. . . Then, we- we basically ended up cuddling and falling asleep. . ." He murmured.

"Then when we woke up I was like, 'Holy shit, that was really gay', and I got up and I was all like 'Ew, that was so gay, blah blah blah' and he got a bit upset and then I tried talking to him and we argued a bit and yeah. . . That's it." Mike told them.

"How the hell do you do these things? Like, I genuinely worry about you sometimes because you are just so, so insanely stupid. Like, how do you even do that?" Dustin scoffed.

"You're really helping! Thanks!" Mike scowled.

"Mike, you need to talk to him." Lucas sighed.

"Oh my god, how many times do I have to say it! I can't!" Mike groaned, obviously getting very irritated.

"Dude, you seriously need to calm down. We can figure this out but you need to stay calm." Lucas told him, Mike glaring down at him and letting out a large sigh.

"I'm calm." He murmured, Lucas looking up at him for a moment before nodding and pausing.

"You need to go and apologize to him. If he gets upset, which he most likely will, then you just need to let him get mad at you or let him cry. You've been a dick to him, Mike, so let him be a dick back. And when he does say something to you, don't get defensive. Now, go and talk to him." Lucas told him.

"Fine. I'm going." Mike scowled, leaving his room and walking over to Will's room.

He knocked gently on the door, waiting for a few moments before hearing a small 'come in'. He opened the door and saw Will sat there painting something, his back turned away from Mike.

"What?" Will asked, not even looking up from his painting.

"I- I wanted to talk to you. . . About all of the little arguments we've been having." Mike murmured, Will sighing softly and turning to look at him.

"Go on then." Will sighed, gesturing for Mike to sit down on his bed.

Mike walked over and sat down on the end of Will's bed, clicking his tongue nervously as he looked around for a moment.

"Um. . . Your room is pretty." Mike murmured.

"Thank you." Will gave him a short smile, Mike inwardly cringing at how annoyed Will sounded.

"So, um. . . Obviously, we've- we've had a few, um, disagreements lately." Mike started, Will's eyes widening slightly as he heard Mike.

"Yeah, no, I wouldn't exactly call them 'disagreements', they were more, you saying something rude and me getting upset." Will scoffed.

"Yeah, okay. Whatever." Mike rolled his eyes, immediately regretting saying that as he saw the now angry look on Will's face, "Sorry, sorry, that came out wrong." He mumbled.

"Anyway, I wanna apologize for being a dick to you. . . And, you know, insulting you and shit." Mike murmured.

"It's okay. . . Your apology would mean more if Lucas and Dustin hadn't forced you to come in though." Will dead panned.

". . .You heard them?" He asked, his heart dropping.

"Yeah, I did." Will nodded, a sly grin forming on his face.

Mike's eyes widened in horror as he looked over at Will who was sat there smugly, a silence filling the room as neither of them spoke.

"And you- you heard everything that they said?" Mike asked him.

"Yeah." Will nodded.

"Wh- You didn't- You didn't happen to hear anything that I said. . . Did you?" Mike asked nervously.

Will didn't say anything for a moment, Mike's heart dropping as he looked at Will's smile which had now grew.

"Well, depends, I heard quite a bit. What are you asking about? Which part?" Will asked him.

"Well- Wh- I'd-" Mike stammered, his cheeks heating up as he stuttered nervously.

"I do remember hearing something that sounded like, I don't know. . . A confession?"

{Word Count: 731}

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