Chapter 6

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TURNED MIMI AROUND so I could keep watch on Marishka as she danced with Rem Dawson. Kevin's son was the head of Dawson Capital's branch here in California and he'd been representing his father in our meetings recently. Very smart young man. I actually liked him.

    I just didn't like how he was looking at Marishka right now.

    I knew that look. A hungry dog looking at a juicy, Grade-A meat.

    Marishka seemed to be enjoying their dance, too. They seldom saw each other. I knew that. I knew her every move. But tonight, Rem asked her to dance, which he never did before.

    And then I realized, Marishka was already of legal age and all the young men in the room probably thought she was fair game now.

    In their fucking dreams.


    "Hmm?" I felt Mimi's fingertips ruffling the hair on my nape. Her usual foreplay. I wished she'd stop. I'd hate to blow her off tonight.

    "I'm so happy."

    "I'm glad you are."

    "I've missed you so much, you know?"

    I didn't know what to say, so I whirled her around.

    She laughed. "I missed this, too."

    I was still not sure what I'd do now that she was in LA. I just wanted her around so I'd have a legit excuse not to be at Kei's house when I'd get invited. Or I could go there with Mimi. I'd feel safer from Marishka when Mimi was with me around.

    I wanted to kick myself. The brat got me running scared I needed a shield from her in the form of an ex. How did I come to this in the span of two weeks?

    I felt guilty for using Mimi like this but I had no other choice. She was by far he only woman I could give a modicum of my trust. Mimi was really okay. The only reason we broke up was she was hinting at a more serious level of relationship and I knew I couldn't give it to her. So I asked for space. We both knew it was a break up. I didn't do encores. But I took an exception this time. I was going nuts how to fend Marishka off without brutally hurting her feelings. I fully regretted the nasty words I'd told her in Paris. What happened was my fault. I touched her. I was the one with the vast sexual experience, I was much older, I should have known better. I shouldn't have touched her, dammit.

    She'd been blowing up my phone lines. Nothing new really as she was always on my phone, but after Paris, it was not the same. I didn't want her to presume even for one second that I'd changed my mind about us. But fending off a determined Marishka was more difficult than telling a woman I'd been having sex with it was time to move on.

    First, I didn't want to hurt her.

    Second, I didn't want to hurt her.

    Third, I didn't want to hurt her.

    "Brand..." Mimi's hand guided my chin so I'd look at her. My eyes were following Marishka and Rem across the ballroom full of dancing couples.  


    She smiled at me. "I still love you."

    Shit. "Mim..." I just couldn't find the right words to say.

    She placed her fingertips on my lips. "Shhh. It's alright. You don't have to say anything. I'm just happy we're together again."

    I felt like a heel now.

    "Mr. Grieco, sir..."

    Suddenly, Marishka and Rem were beside us.

    "Well, hello there, you two. Don't you look gorgeous together?" Mimi greeted them with a big smile.

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