Chapter 8

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THE DOORMAN GREETED ME "good evening" with a familiar smile as I walked through the doors. I smiled back, glad for the warm temperature inside the building. It was cold and raining outside.
  I went straight towards the elevator lobby and boarded a private one exclusive for the penthouse. It had a security code and I knew it by heart. I could come and go here. I punched the code and the doors closed.
  As the cab zoomed up, I smoothed the front of my cream-colored coat from my chest down to my upper thighs. I looked tailored and elegant outside with my knee-high boots and gloves on but underneath my coat was another story.
  Brandon still hadn't come around. I stopped calling him. I was hoping and praying he'd at least call, but he never did. I'd been stalking Mimi's Facebook and saw her activities this week. She'd been all over town with Brandon.
  The elevator dinged at the 55th  floor. The doors swung open and I stepped into the foyer. I walked into a bigger ante-room and stopped at the frosted glass doors.
  After a few seconds they opened and I saw Calver.
  "Miss, Yokohama, good evening," he bowed slightly in greeting, impeccably dressed in a suit as always.
  I stepped in and went straight to another set of doors.
  "Mr. Grieco is already asleep, Miss," Calver called out to me in his usual robotic tone.
  I glanced at him and smiled. "Did that ever stop me?"
  He just nodded.
  I entered Brandon's penthouse apartment.

Strategic lamps lighted the massive skylit living room lined with glass on three sides. Even if it was raining, the view of LA from this height was a photographer's dream. I'd taken many pictures of the city from this vantage point. But I didn't come here for that.
  I removed my boots and padded on my stockinged feet towards the stairs leading to the loft, his bedroom. Its walls were lined with glass too but you couldn't really see what was upstairs because the lower half of the glass were frosted. The architect just created the illusion that the bedroom was bare due to its multi-leveled high ceiling which can be seen from the lower floor.
  I climbed the stairs.
  Waiting didn't work.
  Patience didn't work, too.
  Now, Brandon was settling.
  That, I could never allow.
  It was time to turn up the heat.
He was replete in slumber, covered by the comforter in the middle part of his body. The rest were bare for my eyes. I could stare at him forever. He was the most splendid man I had ever seen. He took care of his body really well by working out, running and playing basketball, tennis and golf regularly. He was not bulky and hulking but lean and toned and ripped in the right places so that his frame was a designer's dream. He could make a living walking the runways.
  He'd been drinking as evidenced by the opened bottle of Chivas lying at the side table with a half-empty glass beside it. I picked up the glass and finished its content in one go. I felt the liquor travel hotly down my chest and settled in my tummy.
  My heart was beating on double time. I had little time to prepare myself for what I was going to do but I was in a competition with a grown woman who was sexually experienced. Mimi had been intimate with Brandon in the past and maybe now again. She had the advantage of time. I was eighteen and had only been just kissed once. That was no practice, but judging from the way Brandon was going at my lips in Paris, I would say he was liking the way I kissed. But that was the extent of my experience in seducing a man.
  I'd read books, seen some clips on the internet. I knew how it was done. But they were all theories. No practicum. I knew sex was a huge part of an adult relationship. Brandon was a very sexual man by all indications. Women were always going gaga over him, practically throwing themselves at him. I must learn to be a sexually attractive woman to him. In order to steal him from Mimi, I must do what Mimi did best and top it. Experience was the best teacher I heard some people had said numerous times. My experience would start tonight.
  Was he naked underneath the comforter? I'd seen him wearing nothing on top whenever we'd gone to the beach or swam in the pool together but somehow, he looked different tonight. The hard planes, bulges and ridges on his chest and stomach seemed more mysterious to me now. It was like I was seeing his physique for the first time. It was the illicitness of what I was doing that was doubling my curiosity of his body.
  My eyes focused on his middle. That was the only part of him I hand't seen yet. But I'd felt it and I was dying to find out what it looked like. In Paris, I'd felt his arousal as he pressed it against me. He was so strong as he'd lifted me off my feet...and hard...
  I took off my thick coat and dropped it on the carpeted floor. Then I shimmied off of my little silk night gown. I didn't bother with undies. They were not necessary tonight.
  Naked except for my white, lacy stockings, I slowly climbed on the king-size bed and sat on my knees beside him.
  He suddenly shifted on the bed.
  I froze.
  He moaned a bit and said something under his breath, then remained still.
  I smiled. Brandon sleep-talked? That was a revelation.

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