One Month

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(Listen to the song at the end of the chapter)

The next month was eventful. Every single one of his days was spent getting his summer homework done, only to be followed by him running off to be with you. You had showed him a plethora of different places.

The wheat fields where you guys were paid by old farmer Hickins and his wife to catch gophers. You remember several times where you grabbed the gopher in your hand (with a large rubber glove of course) and chased Draco around with it, making him yell and scream at you. He always forgave you though, because at the end of the day he always got to hear you laugh, and that was far more valuable than his dignity.

The pond where Draco managed to catch a tortoise and return it to it's burrow. You begged him to let you keep it as a pet, but he outright refused. He forced you away from the thing by managing to lift you upside down by the legs and swinging you around a bit. You got annoyed, but the pout was worth it.

The cinema where Draco watched his first movie-- Mission: Impossible. He thought the movie was ridiculous, but found it even more ridiculous when you began fawning over Tom Cruise. It was alright after though, because he experienced his first tongue kiss afterwards.

The abandoned train station. Several times you and him had picnics on top of the old train cars. Every single picnic involved Draco playing a song you liked on his guitar. It became a love language of some sort. In truth he was gaging your reaction.

However, none of these places compared to his favorite. After the first night where he snuck out with you, he couldn't stop. The treehouse had become a regular midnight meeting spot. He would play love songs for you, then you would sit on his lap, both of you drinking Coca-Cola out of a glass bottle as if it were beer. You laughed, cried, and loved. Was it immature? Yes. Was he blatantly going against his parents? Also yes. Did he feel sorry?

Not at all.

The month went by fast. Almost too fast. Soon he would be returning to Hogwarts, and he'd be without you for at least another school year. Frankly, he dreaded it. You had become his drug. The withdrawal from you would be terrible.

He was a lovesick teenager, and to prove to you the affection and adoration for you, he made a desperate move--he spent his last month in the states making you a song.

Your hair was down as the summer night breeze gently caressed your hair and bit your cheeks, forcing them to turn red. He sat next to you with his guitar in his lap. He loved the pretty sundress you wore, and the fact that his jacket was being clutched around your body, desperately trying to hold in warmth all the while your delicate figure was being doused in his cologne.

"It's getting late Draco. We need to head back before our parents--" he cut off your precious voice.

"It's my last day with you. Let me savor it." He smiled back at you, his cheeks undeniably red.

Your head went down and you played with the hem of your dress. "You'll come back next year, right?"

"Not likely." He hummed.

"You seem so happy about that..." your voice dropped as you looked at the boy.

"I'm not. I just have a plan." He smirked at you.

"Well what is it?" You leaned in and put your chin on his shoulder.

"If you're my girlfriend, one of us will have to visit the other, right?" He smiled down at you, and your face lit up before it dropped again.

"I can't afford to go all the way to the UK--"

"Are you serious?!" He looked at you with a smile, leaving you to shrink back into yourself. "Your boyfriend will pay."

He watch the features of your face glow in the soft line of light from the rising sun.

"So? What do ya say? Mind settling for me?" He chuckled and stuck his elbow out for you.

"Oh Draco..." You began to tear up.

He smiled down at you and began to strum on his guitar. His voice began to flow.

(Go ahead and play that song:))

Your tears turned rose gold in the beautiful glow of the sun as it rose like an angel in the distance--powerful, but still and graceful.

His voice hummed softly in your ear, forcing you to sob into his shoulder.

The rustling of the leafy rooftop and the singing of birds went along with the love laced in the beauty of the song.

As he hit the last chord, he looked at you before bringing your head to him with one hand. He pressed his lips on the top of your head and spoke softly as he reveled in the magical smell that was your shampoo, "I want you to be my girlfriend."

"I want you to be my boyfriend!" You said through aggressive sobs.

"Then say yes." He lifted your chin to his own face.

"I would say yes in every single reality as long as you're the one asking me."

He smiled and pressed his lips to yours. The sweet taste of strawberries doused your lips, and made him swoon. As he pulled away, he felt tears roll down his own cheeks. "I'm so glad I met you..."

"I'm so glad you came."

Music (Draco Malfoy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now