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Draco entered the Hogwarts express, quickly finding a cabin to call his own. He had managed to snag some muggle headphones, and was listening to some albums while he fingered along on his guitar. Once the train arrived at Hogwarts, he carried his guitar, shoving people off whenever they asked about it. It was his that he got to entertain you and remind himself of you, which meant it was nobody else's business.

"Oi, what's Malfoy carrying around?" The Weasley ass was walking behind him with Potter and that filthy mudblood, Granger. He figured he couldn't call her that anymore since he was dating a muggle who had no clue about his true identity as a wizard, but he decided to keep up the act for the sake of his reputation.

"That's a guitar, Ron. maybe if you paid attention in Muggle Studies you would know." Hermione scoffed.

"Oh please, only reason you know that thing is because you grew up a muggle!" Ron retorted.

"Oi! Let's focus on the real question. Why's he got a muggle instrument?" Potter pointed out the obvious issue. The three were obviously not aware that Draco could hear every word of their conversation.

"He probably killed some muggle and stole it." Ron laughed at his own joke and Harry joined in.

Hermione scoffed. Draco had to admit that Hermione was the only half-decent one of the group. "Wizards do use muggle instruments, so maybe it's entering the wizard world finally?" Hermione suggested.

"Bloody hell! Why would that happen? And why the hell would Malfoy of all people enjoy music? He probably listens to human screams, and thinks it's the best songs in the world."

"The artist would be Voldemort." Harry whispered.

The two boys laughed while Hermione sighed and stormed off past Draco, obviously just as irritated, if not more so, by the two idiots.

As he entered a carriage he noticed that he had actually caught himself in the trio's carriage. He glared before putting his guitar on the floor, and looking over the side of the carriage. He continued to listen to the incessant whispering from the two boys, before listening to Hermione speak up. "If you're going to keep asking and being annoying, why don't you just ask him?"

"Easy for you to say, we didn't punch him." Ron scoffed.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Then I will. Malfoy!" She called his name causing him to glance over at her.

"What now, mudblood?" He sounded exasperated.

"Why have you got a guitar?"

"I would have told you if I wanted you to know." He remarked.

"Are you a musician?" Hermione pushed.

"Yeah, I am. Like any respectable pureblood." Draco looked over and glared at Ron who furrowed his brow.

Hermione nodded. "Is guitar the instrument you grew up playing?"

"No! Now shut up!"

Draco was getting defensive, and Hermione noticed. She now felt a new determination. She had to know why the most adamant supporter of pureblood superiority was now carrying around a muggle instrument.


Draco was acting as his usual self in the halls, however, he kept finding himself daydreaming in the middle of class. Your school was supposed to start this week too. He wondered how it went. You were so pretty and popular in your town, there was no doubt you had a fun day. He thought about when you and him snuck into the school and you showed him around. You looked so proud of your school. He found it adorable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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