Chapter XII

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With Bastian's words, the fighting began. It seemed that orders were firm and as soon as it started, guns were thrown aside. Their orders must have been for us to come in alive. But we were armed and as a unit we could do a lot of damage. I figured that we could easily take twenty and our escape was determined by how quickly back up was called and arrived. We stayed together, almost back to back, throwing each other weapons as we mostly used our bodies to pummel through the soldiers. We were amazing and even if we had of been better, these were the people we had trained with, some we had even grown up with. They knew our moves and options, and even if they weren't able to stop it, they knew what we were doing and that was the problem.

They also knew us. They knew that despite our training, if our Alpha went down, we would be half as efficient.

Bastian was also aware of this and as he fought, I could feel him shrinking to rely on us more, less of the risk. But that didn't stop them. I blocked three attempts before one slipped through Thorne's side and clocked Bas in the head. Five soldiers swooped in, pulling him out before I could react. When I did, I went out of instinct and not thought and missed the baton that came and swung hard into my shoulder, knocking me off balance. I thought we had this fight but the clapping of more feet assured me we didn't. Bastian was hauled out of my reach and I was caught by grabbing hands that restrained me, yanking the weapons from my belt and turning me over so that I could watch as the back up finally took down Thorne, using stun guns and tasers. I jerked when I felt something jab into my neck, making my vision go blurry. Black spots blotted out the corners but before I blacked out, I caught sight of Seok, leaning against the jet, arms crossed, looking smug. Her eyes flicked to me and her grin grew.

I muttered an abusive profanity before my words slurred and I lost consciousness.


I jerked awake, gasping for air as if I had been stuck underwater. My vision cleared and the interrogation room became clear around me. I was in the Sapphire Sector, the lowest point of it where the construction was loud, banging around just below me. The room was small, with hard metal walls, one of which was a massive sheet of one-way glass. The only exit was the dead locked door on my right. I was sitting in a steel chair that was bolted to the ground, my hands and feet bound to the legs of it. There were two other pieces of furniture in the room, a narrow metal table and another chair on the other side of it, both bolted down as well. They weren't taking any chances.

A minute later, I heard the lock slide open on the other side of the door and it swung open. Admittedly, it wasn't whom I had expected.

Chul looked at me and laughed. I ground my teeth.

"I'm sorry," he said, covering his mouth, "Actually I'm not. This is hilarious."

"You aren't authorised for interrogation," I said, my voice cracking with the rawness of my throat. I must have been out for a while because I felt dehydrated.

"I know, but seeing as I was a special help on the capture of the traitors, Seok has granted me a couple of minutes with you," he smirked.

"How lucky am I?" I said, spitting venom.

"Maybe you wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't refused me. I could've bought you time."

It was my turn to scoff, "You scumbag."

He shrugged, "Perhaps," then he looked at me, as though he wanted to make me squirm, "You know, I could still get you out."

"I can get out myself."

"That may take a while. You know your unit is being interrogated as well. We know you won't talk. How long are you willing to risk one of you dying?"

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