Happy Birthday (Vash x GN!Reader)

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Author's Note: This is actually a chapter from my long series Tempest Wind, just slightly modified to work as a oneshot.

Tags: domestic fluff, doting, cat adventure, cooking, bathing, tickling, banter, general cuteness, established relationship


"Look, Red!" you grab onto Vash's sleeve with a gasp. "It's a cat!"

Vash leans towards you, still sucking on the strawberry ice cream, his other arm around a paper bag filled with all kinds of groceries. His eyebrows raise in surprise as he too catches sight of the small black tail slinking around the corner.

"I haven't seen one in so long!" You have already let go of him again and pay no mind as you follow the little shadow into the alley. You hear rustling coming from the trash surrounding a bin and approach cautiously, eager to get a better look at the mysterious creature.

"Pspspsps!" you try to call it out of the pile, but all that does is make them freeze. "You must be starving."

You jump up again just as Vash appears around the corner, he looks relaxed as he shoves the last bit of his pink treat into his mouth. You stand on your tiptoes to reach your arm into the bag he carries and dig around until you find the ham, folded up in waxy paper. You unravel it carefully and pull out a slice before giving the rest back into Vash's outstretched hand.

You return to the rustling mound and extend your hand with the meat, waiting for the breeze to carry the scent to the animal.

"Don't be scared! You can have all this and more; just come out." You speak softly, and Vash smiles tenderly at your antics. "Come out, little one! We won't hurt you!"

You squat patiently as the shifting of the trash gets closer to you, and a little black head pops out from underneath. The nose is just as jet black as the coat, but large green eyes look back at you with a mixture of fear and curiosity. You don't move, and Vash observes that you don't even breathe as you wait for the kitten to come closer. It takes a few careful steps towards you, cautiously sniffing the air, and the smell of ham seems to triumph over any hesitation. They bite into the ham and try to run away, but as you hold on to the slice, they have to remain where they are and bite off pieces. The black cat still looks uneasy and chews while trying to make scary noises, but you remain still and calm. Vash's eyes move between the two of you, observing the precious moment. The cat relaxes as the hunger pains lessen and even starts rubbing their head on your hand. That's when you scoop them up.

"Hey, little guy. You're cute!" You lift them up so they are level with your eyes. "Where did you come from?"

You stand up, and the little creature purrs loudly as you stroke its soft fur. You go up to Vash and present your new friend. He lowers his head and smiles at the adorable little creature. His free hand reaches out and his finger moves underneath one of the front paws. Your man gives the kitten a little handshake.

"Nice to meet you!" He smiles brightly and then scratches their head.

"I wonder if they have a home..." you say a little sadly as you let the creature climb onto your shoulder. The kitten purrs happily and nuzzles into your neck, feeling like it belongs there.

"I don't know, but we can ask around," Vash says softly, giving you a reassuring smile.

You spend an hour asking the townsfolk about the little stray kitten, but nobody has an answer as to how it got there or who it belongs to. You decide to put your search on hold as you still have your groceries with you. With a heavy heart, you head back to your toma to go and look for a place to stay the night, but that's when you see a little poster on the side of a building with a familiar black furry face. It's a missing cat poster that comes with an address pointing to the edge of town, and that's where you head.

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