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She was foolish to believe this day wouldn't come.

No matter how safe she felt the love that protected her wouldn't last forever. She's been in danger her entire life. Being born peculiar does that. Of course she knew of the dangers that lurked in unknown corners of the world despite all the stories she's been told she just never assumed she would be exposed to it herself. And the price she'd pay for her recklessness was dire.

A fun getaway with a friend. Who'd of thought it would cost a life. So young. Such a horrible way of demise.

Sunny and her friend had left to her friend's parents Lake home. The getaway was a good idea her grandpa ensured her so. He knew how painful it always was to see her brother or parents as she hid in the shadows of her own home which she shared with her grandpa. They refused to see her and her brother went along with it not knowing any different, she had few memories of her brother the ones she had, they were much younger when their grandpa had babysat him but she cherished them dearly. They were memories sworn to secrecy and how it made her soul bleed.

A break supposed to come as relief a chance to relax would soon turn into a nightmare that would haunt her for the rest of her days.

Sunny loved telling stories. Like many kids do she found it to be a wonderful escape. How was she supposed to know this love would cost her everything ?

It was on one morning a few days into their adventures they could have at this house. Her friend's parents had left them to go to the shops. They were rather bored and decided to have some fun so Sunny decides to do what she knows she does well. Her friend being the only other person to know about her peculiarity besides her grandpa she was thrilled by thought of getting to use it to help aid her story telling.

Giggles travelled around the room the girls were in as they watched the shadows that told the story Sunny was telling it was their own personal show. Sunny found great solace in knowing that her friend didn't fear her for her gift no matter if her eyes were black or if they eventually started seeping black blood, no matter how lifeless it made her look. The shadows danced around the room and smiles had engraved seemingly permanently on the girl's faces.

However, nothing last forever good things end as do the bad. Sunny hesitated for a moment an odd sense of dread overwhelming her as she paused her storytelling. As she looked over towards the window she gently grabbed her friends hand interlocking their fingers. Her friend looked at her confused meeting her eyes that faded back to their regular colour the only symbol of there fun mere moments before was the black stains under her eyes. "What is it Sunny, are you ok", the girl never replied seemingly in a paralysed state as she stared at the window. The girl turned to look too.

A shadow that had not been there before had loomed into the window reflecting by the sun's light. The shadow was seemingly human like and seemed to move closer. Sunny quickly rushed up dragging her friend with her as she left the room. Not a moment later too a crash sounded from the room sounding awfully like glass breaking. The girls screamed as they tried to fight against fear attempting to paralyse them. Looking into each other's eyes they saw undeniable fear as they tried to reach the front door. Without warning Sunny's friend was picked up of the ground by whatever had broke in. "Kylie" she screamed at the girl trying hard to grip onto the girl who was being brought into the air. Luck would not have it however, as with sweaty hands Sunday's grip slipped and she fell a couple feet to the ground landing on her feet.

She watched horrified as her dear friend was being mauled apart by something she couldn't see. Snapping out of her moments pause as blood splattered on her face she raced to the place Kylie's father had told them in a joke before he left that the gun was held before being hit by his wife. She raced to the cabinet as though her life depended on it she had never run so fast in all her life. Quickly, she raced back round the corner gun now in hand as she saw the violent, sickening sight before her waiting not for another moment of hesitantion that may well of already costed her friend's life, she shot trying to mind her dear friend from anymore pain. Tears began to block her vision as she begged helplessly "Please, please , please" , she heard the cries that reminded her of an animal as a thump sounded and presumably the creature dropped. Hopefully dead and Kylie fell with him.

Sunny raced to her dropping the gun scrambling trying to move her body with haste but carefully away from the creature she sees part of from the blood. Tears blinded her still, falling onto Kylie mixing with her blood. She rubbed at her eyes smearing the blood of her friend on her face. "Kylie, K-Kylie please. You can't leave me you just can't" Sunny's whole body racked with sobs as she put a hand on her friend's face her other hand trying to hold pressure on a wound. "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry it's all my fault" guilt overwhelmed her. It was her fault her friend was dying, fighting for her life, attacked because of her. Her and her stupid peculiarity. A curse.

She knew the danger that came with being peculiar her recklessness has practically stole her friend's life from her. She had no one to blame but herself as she hugged her friend's body as she felt her life fading. "Sun -.... s" a weak voice came from beneath her. Sunny gasped pulling back looking at her face "shhh shhh I'm right her okay I promise I'm right her I'll stay I'm so sorry" more tears poured from her eyes she knew it likely wouldn't be much longer she'd have left to stay for her. But she was young oh so young too young. It wasn't fair. Of course life hardly is. But they are only 13. "I .... w- wi.. will be fine" Kylie hardly made out and they both knew it was a lie. More tears poured and Kylie looked hardly recognisable. "J-just h hold me pleas" she was barely able to choke out. "Of course always" Sunny spoke as she wrapped her arms around her dear best friend kissing her on the forehead, then pressing them together. Holding her for what they both knew would be the last time.

A/N I am going to do this prologue in two parts just for the sake of saving to much heart ache but I hope you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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