𝐔𝐍. elation

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𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, great happiness and exhilaration.

𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 spent many hours preying over her phone waiting to receive the call that could reshape her life. A phone call from eurovision, she'd sent in her song months ago not even expecting a call back but as the deadline closed in she didnt know whether to feel a anxiety or happiness. But when she heard the "Luna Gutierrez will be representing Spain in eurovision 2024" She couldn't feel anything but euphoric.

Until it didn't feel so euphoric to her, the dooming reality was she'd perform infront of millions watching in person or on there television as she once did as a child. It was happy-xiety as she called it, a state of limbo between extreme anxiety and elation, A heart rush.

Luna's POV

It wasn't the heights I was scared of, It was leaving my hometown for such a large event. I think everyone was exicted but me, how romantic. I stood in the living room, A large painting of mother mary staring back at me.

"¡mírate, cariño! Haciendo que tu mamá se sienta orgullosa, yendo a Eurovision, estoy seguro de que tu hermana estaría muy orgullosa." My mother was always the more affectionate to me then my dad was, I found a hard time reciprocating my love, she knows what I mean.

"Look at you darling, making your mama proud, going to Eurovision. I'm sure your sister would be proud"

"Tú también, mamá" placing my left arm around my mom, physical affection wasn't my cup of tea. A weak smile crossing my lips trying not to fill the room with a uncomfortable tension I let out "Haré lo mejor que pueda por ti. Te prometo que te haré sentir orgulloso" then let her go. "te amo."

"You too, mama."  "I will do the best I can for you. I promise I will make you proud" "I love you"

And that was it, I was on my way to Malmö embarking on a new chapter of my probably shortlife. The airport was the most anxiety inducing experience of my life, I never flew on my own I was always with Lola. It was my first year without her, anytime someone mentions her I shut down, She's a faltered part of my soul. 

On the plane wasn't any better, reciting the lyrics to my own song over and over again till it became a painless habit in my brain. As the plane landed in Sweden I felt a rush of relieve for the next few days before the shows was interviews, rehearsals, more interviews.

The second I showed up to the venue they were herding me like a sheep, We needed to great the other competitors face to face, My eyes darting around the room. Switzerland and Ireland were standing together, They were the first to even notice me.

Irelands competitor was in arguably the best costume, within seconds they started talking to me. "I'm bambie, I saw your bisexual pin on your jacket" They tapped on my bisexual pin with a sharp nail of some sorts.

"Oh- thanks, I have a lot of pins on it. My sister used to make pins for me all the time." Glancing down at the pin for a second. "I'm Luna" finally turning my head back up they smiled at me, I was quite frankly obsessed with their entire look. 

"I love your accent- your gorgeous aswell." Bambie's lips crooked into a smile as they looked at me. "Thank you- I love your entire look. I'm obsessed." it was like instinct for me to put my hand over my mouth to hide my teeth when I smile.

"Aww- your a doll." They spoke out, holding there hand out for me to shake. It was a formal gesture but atleast it wasn't full body contact. Extending my hand to interlock our hands into a strong handshake.

I took another glance around the room, I saw the Isr**li flag. Bambie noticed it too passing a glance at eachother, "Why's her face so long?" It felt like instinct to me, They giggled at my outburst hitting me gently.

For a few hours we'd were all separated to do our own photos, even though I work better on my own I felt more comfortable around Bambie then alot of people here. It was difficult for me to socialise in such a unfamiliar place.

The daylight drained from the sky pretty quickly. I'd spoken to a few different contestants, I felt welcomed but still that gut incongruous instinct making me constantly on edge anytime I turned a corner. It wasn't like I was going to be kidnapped and murdered, Why am I overthinking it this much?

A / N !!

Sorry the chapter is so
short It was mostly 
supposed to introduce yall
to the scene yk?

It'll get better, trust the process
this is a slowburn ykwim 

795 words

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒. joost kleinWhere stories live. Discover now