Winning is the loss of something Greater.

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This isnt the end, btw, this is the start of a series of multiple oneshots/stories who CAN be read as stand alones. So if you don't want to read this, you can read the ones that'll come out later. UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE

Scott had won.

Scott had won, and he couldn't believe it. Despite all odds, every other remaining player just going for his throat- He'd slayed them and taken the crown.

And Scott had won.

He didn't know what to expect. Half dead, he looks up at the sky while the blood rested on his hands. It was.. Somewhere around noon, and at this time he'd usually be off to Ren talking about a possible alliance between them.

Those simple times are gone. The alliance had been formed, then broken once their enemies were slayed. A fight to the death, all 4 remaining survivors coming from the 4 corners of the world, all with one goal: To win.

And Scott had won.

Of all people, Scott certainly didn't expect to see Grian.


"Who is it?" Stars had asked the Sun, who seemed to be smiling fondly back at him.

They'd both been waiting for this moment for months. Ever since it first began. Ever since Sun had been informed about it. 

"Moon," He'd answered softly, but Stars just sighed. "You know that doesn't help me, right? Like, I don't know who Moon is." "She'll be here soon enough. We've waiting for months. A bit later won't hurt." He'd explained, which sort off upset Stars. It wasn't fair. "I need to go and get her before she panics, seeing as she can't die." 

And so, without any further notice, Sun disappears. It upsets Stars, really, because they'd been friends for so long and Sun still has the audacity to go ahead and be all cryptic and mysterious. Hell, he wouldn't have been aware the game started if he hadn't bothered him for days about it!

...Turns out, it was Pearl.

She'd looked pretty, so pretty, as she always did. But she looked like a mess. Her hair didn't look taken care off, her hoodie had wolf furr all over and she was crying.

Pearl was crying.

"..Pearl?" "SCOTT! Why did you DO THAT? How are you- How am I still alive.."

It had felt weird to be called Scott, Stars had to admit. He hadn't been called that in a very long time.

"It's Moon. She's Moon." "Your other half," Stars had commented. Huh, Moon did feel like a suitable name for her. He could get used to calling her that.

"And your complement. Stars and the Moon, can't have one without the other." The Sun had said fondly. Stars guessed he wasn't that far off. Meanwhile, Moon was still crying. Poor her, it had reminded him of him when he first came around.

"Moon, you'll be alright." "Pearl. I'm Pearl. Please don't take that away from me too."

But.. That wasn't how it worked.


"I, I need to know who it is, Sun, please." She'd begged over and over again, but he'd just repeated the same thing: "His timer isn't down yet. I can't access him. Technically, the game isn't over yet."

Winning is the loss of something Greater. || All Eyes and Ears AUWhere stories live. Discover now