11 | Grounded

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"Do you want to explain to me what happened yesterday night?!"

Your mom let you slept throughout the night yesterday before coming to your room early in the morning.

"Ughh! Mom I just woke up, I don't have the mindset to deal with this right now!" You yell at her as you take one of your pillows and throw it at her, purposely missing the shot.

"Don't try to fight me sweetie, I am your mother, who do you think taught you how to fight, huh?!" You groan as you pull another pillow and cover your ears with it.

"Is this all because I wouldn't let you marry that Zen'in guy?! He's bad news!"

She continues to argue with you and continuously you yell at her to stop.

"Mom! I'm a grown woman! I can venture out to do my own things!"

'Wait how old even were you in this universe? I was 19 back on earth about to have my 20th birthday in a week.'

"Ma'am you are only 20! You can't be hanging out with those type of men, he was called a failure for a reason!"

Yeah that checks out. "He was called a failure for ab absolute horrible reason!" You rebuttal back at her. In your response, she just shakes her head.

"There is no use arguing with you, you're not even going to bother to listen to me.. than fine! You're grounded and to make sure that BEAST doesn't come back here, I'll be making sure the servants secure iron bars around your windows! If you don't want to follow the rules of this house then you'll have to be treated like a criminal."

Your mother huffs and turns her way to go out of your door, slamming it behind her.

"Whatever, he's strong enough, he can just tear through the iron bars." You whisper, clutching one of your plushies to your chest.

Well, you hoped.

Aside from your friend, Marie, Toji was the only other friend that was keeping you sane. Mostly because you didn't bother to make any other friends.

'I gotta get some more friends. But I can't if I'm grounded.. ugh..'

"She won't listen to me even if I told her Toji wasn't a bad guy."

The door opens, "Go away mom!" You tighten up the covers around you.

"I'm not your mom silly!"

You quickly lift the covers off of yourself, "Marie?!" She smiles as she sits right next to you on the bed. "The one and only."

Marie crossed her legs, "What did you do this time that made your mom so mad?"

"Oh uhhh.. SeeitactuallyturnsoutthatTojicamebyyesterdayhewasjustlateandhewaswoundedsoitriedmybesttotonetohiswoundsthenIstartedmassaginghisbackandhetookoffhisshirtwhichwasveryhotbythewaybutthenmomwalkedinwheniwassleepingonhisshouldersosheprobablythoughtweweredoingthedevilstango!"

Marie looks at you stunned, "You gotta be kidding!" You shake your head, "I wish I was but I'm not!"

Someone knocks on the window and the both of you turn back to find 3 guys in a uniform. You walk over there and open the window. The man salutes, "Sorry ma'am it may be loud in there, we're currently installing the iron bars she told us to put."

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