21 | Power of the Foxes

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This chapter is a bit silly

When you woke up, if looks could kill, you would've absolutely decimated everything around you. The sight you saw almost made your body almost die.. again.

When you woke up, your stomach was juggled as both of the twins were jumping on your body. Using the last of your strength, you grab a pillow that was behind you and smack one of them in the face.

You then flop back down on the bed, you look to the side to see Marie's face up close against yours.

"Dude?! Why are you being so creepy!" You jump back and you scooch away from her face, forcing yourself to go to the far side of the bed. You sit up, looking at her with your eyebrows furrowed, completely confused.

You wince as you feel a slight tang coming out from your head. You bring your hand up to cup your forehead only to be surprised to be met with bandages.

"Did you do this?" You ask her.

"No, the twins did it— Who do you think who did it?"  Marie groans as she pulls up her first aid kit, "See? I was hoping that after you got your head ruined.. or whatever happened to you that you would at least be smarter."

"I literally just got tortured, why do you have to be so mean to me?!" You shriek as you dramatically cry. Marie doesn't feel any remorse or regret, instead she just smirks.

"That's what you get for punching me."

"That was under different circumstances though! I thought you were against me!" You raise your fist into the air.

Riko gets up, "You also just punted me in the face with a pillow, that's what's mean, you big butthead!"

You look over to Riko and Rina with veins popping up on your forehead. "You were literally jumping on my stomach, oohh, you're lucky I don't want to beat the poop out of you!"

You really wanted to curse, but cursing in front of children was definitely not your strong suit. "Are you guys stupid!" Marie cups your mouth with her hand, "You can't be yelling.. remember! You're like a runaway?? Or did your head get messed up so hard that you forgot everything? By the way, you still have to tell me what happened so I can determine what type of stuff I have to do to make you feel better.. or if you'd just like it better, I can kick you out instead and basically feed you to the dogs!"

The three of you immediately shut up.

You all gulp, "Yes ma'am."

Marie goes to sit back down on her chair beside the bed. She clasps her hands together, putting her elbows on her thighs. "Now tell me.. what exactly just happened? Y'know.. with your mother."

You point at your siblings, "You guys need to cover your ears, we're going to be talking about adult stuff so.. just go mess around!"

"Awhhh.. okay." They both mope as they go into a corner of Marie's room.

"This is gonna get violent.. so be aware, you know how my mom is now.. all monster-ish, do you even know what happened to her, surely she hasn't been like this her whole life." Marie shakes her head, having no clue on what's going on with your mom.

You shrug, "Anyways! You know me, I'm dumb! After running away with Toji, he took me to his absolute crappy of a house and yesterday, I went to go get supplies.. and I'm a dumbass since I got caught."

You whisper the next part, "And that CRAZY  bitch decides to torture me because I dunno.. I'm a failure or something. It didn't really affect me.. because she's a monster.. literally. She basically cracked my head.. it was a really traumatic experience. I'm even surprised how I could be in a good-ish mood right now!"

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