Part 1

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When Jiang Zhi Xu arrived at the basketball court carrying a bag, explosive cheers erupted around him.

Someone had just dunked.

He adjusted the black-framed glasses on his nose and squeezed through a crowd of Omegas to the edge of the court, poking his head out.

Sure enough.

The only one capable of drawing such a large Omega audience and creating such a commotion was Xia Shu.

The whistle blew, signaling halftime, and Jiang Zhi Xu seized the opportunity to run over with the bag: "Xia Shu!"

His clear, gentle voice was almost drowned out by the noisy crowd, but Xia Shu happened to turn around. Their eyes met, and Xia Shu walked over, casually lifting the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face, revealing his eight-pack abs.

The sound of Omegas gasping in awe reached Jiang Zhi Xu's ears.

As expected of the top Alpha, from looks to physique, everything was perfect.

"Why are you here? Where's Yi He?"

"He said he spent the weekend shopping with his family in Country M and was utterly exhausted."

Jiang Zhi Xu sensed a hint of disappointment in Xia Shu's voice. "I was on my way to the library and happened to pass by the basketball court, so Little Yi asked me to bring this to you."

The bag contained a pair of limited edition basketball shoes, long sold out in the country.

"I see." Xia Shu took the bag.

Jiang Zhi Xu thought for a moment and added, "I heard these shoes are hard to get. Even though Little Yi was exhausted from the trip, he still remembered to bring you a gift. He really values you."

Xia Shu laughed immediately: "Come on, it's not really a gift. Hasn't he taken enough advantage of me already?"

Jiang Zhi Xu laughed along, waving his hand: "Alright, I'll let you get back to it. I'm heading out."

His height wasn't particularly outstanding among the Omegas, and he was quickly swallowed up by the crowd.

"Xia Shu, the game's starting again," a teammate called out.

Xia Shu casually placed the bag in the corner of the court, responded, and continued playing.

Far from the court, Jiang Zhi Xu stopped and glanced back.

The court was packed to the brim, and Xia Shu was no longer in sight.


Jiang Zhi Xu had a secret — although it might not really be considered a secret.

He had a crush on Xia Shu.

Of course, fifty percent of the Omegas in the school probably had a crush on Xia Shu. As for the remaining fifty percent, they at least admired him.

Jiang Zhi Xu's luck was slightly better than that of other Omegas — his roommate Yi He was Xia Shu's childhood friend, and the two had grown up together with a deep bond.

Through this connection, Jiang Zhi Xu occasionally got to interact with Xia Shu, whether it was having a meal together or going out on weekends.

But that was all there was to it.

Xia Shu indeed deserved to be surrounded and admired as the top Alpha with his high IQ and EQ. Even though Jiang Zhi Xu and he were not in the same league, Xia Shu still took good care of him in daily interactions.

For instance, Xia Shu often ordered takeout for Yi He, but if the delivery address was their dorm, there was always a portion for Jiang Zhi Xu.

When going on vacation, Xia Shu would bring back various souvenirs for Yi He, and even Jiang Zhi Xu, who wasn't very close, would get something.

Jiang Zhi Xu felt that his feelings were entirely justified.

He once casually asked Yi He if he had special feelings for Xia Shu.

"Our elders indeed have plans for us to marry, but I don't really want to," Yi He said.

Jiang Zhi Xu was surprised: "Why? In our eyes, you and Xia Shu are a perfect match."

"From an external perspective, yes. But, how to say, maybe because we've grown up together and are too familiar with each other, that feeling just isn't there," Yi He explained.

"You also know how strong our Omega pheromones can attract Alphas. Not to boast, but my pheromones are top-tier among Omegas, yet Xia Shu has absolutely no reaction to me."

Jiang Zhi Xu thought Yi He might be too close to see clearly.

As an outsider, he could see the difference in how Xia Shu treated Yi He compared to others.

It might not be that there was no reaction, but rather Xia Shu respected Yi He enough not to make him feel uncomfortable — after all, the dominance of an Alpha over an Omega was absolute.

Of course, feelings are like drinking water; only the person drinking knows if it's cold or warm.

Jiang Zhi Xu felt that his only task was to hide his feelings well, so as not to let his little, shameful feelings affect the relationships among the group. 

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