Part 7

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Yi He helped Jiang Zhi Xu up, gently touching his lower back, eliciting a suppressed groan from him.

Frowning, Yi He glanced at Xia Shu, who stood by silently, his face unreadable.

After a moment's hesitation, Yi He suggested, "Maybe we should go to the hospital for an X-ray? It seems like you might have hurt a bone."

"No need," Jiang Zhi Xu knew the fall wasn't severe enough to damage any bones, probably just a slight sprain. "But I don't think I can climb the hill anymore."

He didn't want to hold everyone back, but forcing himself to continue would only be a burden and might worsen the injury.

"You guys go ahead; I'll take Zhi Xu back," Yi He told his friends.

"No worries, we've almost finished the hike. My bag's almost full. Let's all head back together."

"Yeah, let's go back. My back's killing me, I've been wanting to lie down for a while."

"Shall I carry you?" Someone offered when they noticed Jiang Zhi Xu's pale face, "Better than risking a worse injury on the way down."

Just as Jiang Zhi Xu was about to refuse, Xia Shu squatted down with his back to him, saying, "Get on."

In front of everyone, refusing would only embarrass Xia Shu. With a gentle push from Yi He and an understanding look, Jiang Zhi Xu blushed and climbed on, "Thank you."

Although Jiang Zhi Xu was an Omega, he was still a man with a noticeable height and frame, not exactly light. But Xia Shu carried him effortlessly, his steps steady and smooth.

Being so close, Xia Shu's coffee scent filled Jiang Zhi Xu's senses.

While inwardly despising his own pettiness, he couldn't help but carefully rest his head on Xia Shu's shoulder, closing his eyes and quietly taking a deep breath.

It really smelled wonderful, as if his whole body was gently enveloped by that scent, making him feel very safe.

Xia Shu's steps suddenly paused.

"What's wrong?" Someone asked, "Tired? Shall I take over?"

"No, not tired," Xia Shu replied nonchalantly, "I just realized how light Zhi Xu is."

Actually, the two were so close that the faint scent of gardenias wafted into Xia Shu's lungs, making him feel somewhat... distracted.

The car was parked on a gravel area at the foot of the hill. To avoid the rough terrain, Xia Shu stood by the roadside, waiting for their friends to bring the car over.

"Put me down, it must be tiring to carry me all the time," Jiang Zhi Xu whispered, "I'll stand still and won't hurt my back."

"Don't move; you'll fall," Xia Shu not only didn't let go but instead pulled Jiang Zhixu closer, holding him even tighter.

Jiang Zhi Xu, afraid of falling, clung tightly to Xia Shu's neck.

"Zhi Xu," Xia Shu said with a smile in his voice.


"Loosen up a bit, you're choking me."

Jiang Zhi Xu blushed, thankful that Xia Shu couldn't see his face.

When he looked back, he noticed a dark spot on Xia Shu's earlobe.

"Did you pierce your ear?" Jiang Zhi Xu asked, surprised, "I've never seen you wear an earring."

"No, it's a mole, just happens to be in that spot," Xia Shu explained, "If you don't believe me, you can touch it."

Jiang Zhi Xu couldn't resist his curiosity and touched it, finding it was indeed a mole!

"Zhi Xu," Xia Shu called him again.


"Omegas shouldn't casually touch Alphas," Xia Shu said, turning his head slightly. "If you touch, you have to take responsibility, understand?"

Jiang Zhi Xu's eyes widened in shock, staring at Xia Shu. It took him a moment to stammer, " asked me to touch wasn't my idea..."

"But you did touch it, didn't you?"

"That's not fair..." Jiang Zhi Xu's mind was a whirl of confusion. He could come up with a hundred reasons to explain himself to others, but with Xia Shu, he was speechless.

"That's just how I am," Xia Shu said confidently.

"What are you talking about?" Their friends drove up, lowering the car window and calling out, "Hurry up, get in! The sun's scorching out here!"

Xia Shu thought: Damn, so many people, and not one of them can read the situation!

Jiang Zhi Xu thought: Thank goodness, I'm saved!

To avoid aggravating Jiang Zhi Xu's injury, they left an entire back seat empty for him to lie down.

To avoid Xia Shu, Jiang Zhi Xu pretended to sleep the whole way back, not opening his eyes once.

Until they returned to the city center, and he couldn't avoid it anymore.

The holiday wasn't over, and many of Yi He's friends, being locals, planned to go home instead of heading back to school.

Everyone parted ways halfway, and even Yi He abandoned Jiang Zhi Xu, asking Xia Shu to take him home first before taking Jiang Zhi Xu back to school.

"No, really, there's no need!" Jiang Zhi Xu almost jumped up, "You've had a long drive. I can just take a taxi back."

"Come on, you're hurt, and you want to take a taxi? That makes us look heartless," Yi He said, "Why are you so nervous? Xia Shu isn't going to eat you."

"I wouldn't harm an injured person, that would make me a complete jerk," Xia Shu joked seriously.

Jiang Zhi Xu: ??? Something feels off here.

He watched as Yi He got out of the car, leaving him alone with Xia Shu. 

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