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Jimin and Jungkook got down from the car and went inside. Jungkook pressed the calling bell  and thy were waiting for opening the door. Jimin was feeling tensed inside.
"What if Mom find out everything!" Jimin thought inside and then shook his head. The door was wide opened and both Jimin and Jungkook looked at Mrs. Park.
"Owh Jungkook,Jimin! You both came..co-.."Jimin's mom couldn't finish her words before that her gaze fell on Jimin's arms.
"Jimin?" His mom said and looked at him.
"Oh hi mom..." Jimin said and went inside and Jungkook followed him.
"What happened to your arm! How ..how did you hurt yourself!"
"Oh this...this isn't very serious mom...I just fell down from the stairs"
"Stairs? But you went for practicing right?"
"Y..yeah..I ..went for practicing but you know the place we practiced. It's surrounded by mountains. So after the practice me and Jungkook went for sight seeing and suddenly I slipped my legs and fell down"
Jimin's mom frowned her eyebrows and looked at Jungkook.
"Is he telling me the truth?" Jimin's mom asked Jungkook. Jungkook looked at Jimin and then looked at Mrs. Park.
"Yes..aunti he is telling the truth. I was late to catch him...I should have keep my eyes on him" Jungkook said and Jimin's mom nodded her head.
"So you both are telling me this was an accident!"
"Yes mom..now please don't be that tensed. Look I'm absolutely fine"
"Ai ...ok ok..but I think I have to cancel the trip. I can't leave you alone."
"Trip!" Jimin asked.
"Yeah..me and your dad were going to Singapore tonight. You know your dad's company they invited us to attend the inauguration party in Singapore. But don't worry I'm not going...I won't..
"Ohhhh mom mom... listen why you will cancel the trip! I can take care of myself..and look Jungkook is also here he will take care of me! What do you say Jungkook..
"Yeah I mean please auntie don't cancel the trip...you just be tension free...I'm here with Jimin..."
"But ..how can I .
"Mom please...if you don't go then I will not talk to you " Jimin said while pouting.
"Aish..ok ok..you both... please be careful okay! And you don't let your bandage be wet..you can't remove it before 7days!" Jimin's mom said and Jimin was surprised.
"Woah how do you know it!"
"Moms know everyone about their childrens" Jimin's mom said while touching his cheeks.She then smiled and then went inside her room.
"She is so cool" Jungkook said from behind Jimin.
"Indeed" Jimin said smilingly.
At 10:30 Jimin's mom and dad packed their bags and were ready to go.
"Ok dear please take care...we will return in two days okay?"
"Don't worry mom you both just enjoy"
"Jimin and Jungkook became elder now...they can take care of each other..you are  worrying for nothing " Jimin's dad said and both Jimin and Jungkook smiled.
"Yeah...that's also right." Jimin's mom said and smiled.
Both Jimin's mom and dad went inside their car and were waving at them. Jimin and Jungkook waved back while smiling. When Jimin's parents car left the place they both went inside the apartment.
Jungkook locked the apartment's door and then looked at Jimin.
"You wanna take shower?"
"I want but how!"
"Well the nurse gave us a plastic wearings. You can wear it on your right hand to cover your arm and take shower "
"Yeah come.." Jungkook said and they both went inside Jimin's bedroom.

Jungkook haned over the plastic on Jimin's hand.
"Ohh thanks..." Jimin said but he was in confused how he will wear it. Jungkook read Jimin's expression and smiled.
"Let me help you..." Jungkook said and Jimin looked at him.
"Take off your clothes" Jungkook said and Jimin's eyes were wide opened.
"I mean...your shirt...not pant.." Jungkook cleared out and Jimin felt relieved.
"You idiot..."
"Sorry sorry..."
Jimin was trying to take off his shirt but he was unable to do it with one hand.
"Ok..let me help you!"
"N..no...I can do it..."
"You can't..."
"And you can't watch my naked body"
"Fine...I am closing my eyes alright! Look" Jungkook said and closed his eyes. Jimin looked at Jungkook.
"I hope you will believe in me!" Jungkook said and Jimin felt like his heart suddenly did something inside. Jungkook touched Jimin's shirt and started taking it off while closing his eyes. Jimin felt like his heart was beating fast but he didn't know why it was beating fast. Jimin was looking at Jungkook without blinking his eyes. Jimin ignored this particular feelings and shook his head.
Jungkook took out Jimin's cloth and binded the plastic around his arm.
"Yeah all set...you can go for shower now." Jungkook said still closing his eyes. Jimin nodded and stood up.
"Th..thanks idiot" Jimin said and ran inside the shower room and locked the door. Jungkook finally opened his eyes and smiled.
After taking shower Jimin was feeling freshed. Jungkook again helped in wearing the clothes. Jungkook then took shower and after that they both sat down for dinner. Jimin's mom prepared the dinner for both of them . Jungkook warmed the foods in microwave before eating. Even though he is afraid of this microwave but gradually he learnt to use it and his fear faded away.
"Here let's eat" Jungkook said and
Jimin nodded and took the spoon with his left hand. But he was not left handed so it was difficult for him to eat. Jimin looked at Jungkook who was already looking at him.
"Need help?"
"N..Noh I'm trying it's ok" Jimin said somehow but he actually needed help.
Jungkook cooed at Jimin's cuteness and took the spoon from his hand.
"Let me help you pretty" Jungkook said and started feeding Jimin. Jimin smiled and started enjoying the dinner.

See you in next part 💜💛

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