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At 3pm they left the varsity and headed for their home. They decided to celebrate Hobi's victory tomorrow evening. Jungkook dropped Jimin at his home and then headed for his home.
Jimin spend his evening playing games and reading books. And he decided to go to the bed early tonight as tomorrow they have classes. Jimin took his dinner with his parents at 10pm. He then went inside his bedroom and laid down on the bed and didn't realize when he fell asleep.
MidNight 2 am...
Jimin was sleeping peacefully until he heard a sound keep coming from his window. Jimin frowned his eyebrows and opened his eyes half. Jimin sat down properly as the sound is not stopping at all. He turned on the lamp light and looked at the big window.
"Wh .who is throwing rocks in my window!" Jimin said in a shaky voice as he became tensed who it might be!
"Th..thief! Oh..oh no..what if it's a thief." Jimin said in a tensed voice. He then stood up and took was looking for something to take. His eyes fall on the stool which was at the corner side of the room. Jimin started approaching towards the window holding the small stool in his hands. Jimin opened the window and looked at down. His eyes were wide opened looking at the man who was doing these all.
"Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin said in a angry voice. Jungkook showed him the phone and beckoning Jimin to receive it. Jimin promptly took his phone from his bed and saw 10+ missed call from idiot. Jimin received the call and again went towards the window.
"Thank God you pickd up my call. I thought I will break the window"
"Seriously! What the hell are doing here at this hour!"
"I was calling you but you didn't pick up! That's why thought of calling you in another way." Jungkook said looking at Jimin.
Jimin sighed at Jungkook.
"So, my great idiot, can you please tell me why at this hour you felt the necessity of calling me!"
"Come over, we will go on long drive."
"Come fast no time at all. We have only three hours. Come fast..I'm waiting with my car"
"What the... Jungkook it's literally 2am ...where do you want to go?"
"I said no questions...just come.. otherwise I will keep pressing horns.."
"Ok ok fine...I'm coming ...you are so stubborn!" Jimin said and sighed. Jungkook smiled and was waiting for Jimin inside the car.
Jimin got ready and came out from his house without making any noise. He then walked towards Jungkook's car and got inside it.
"Hi" Jungkook said smilingly.
"Seriously! I was sleeping peacefully and you ruined my sleep"
"Don't worry we have classes at 10:30. Not so early...so you can sleep at early morning."
Jimin rolled his eyes hearing Jungkook.
"Now tell me...where we are going!"
"Surprise!" Jungkook said and winked at Jimin
"Su... surprise! Jungkook it's not my birthday nor it's any special day tonight!"
"You are asking too many questions. Let's go at first " Jungkook said and turnd on the engine and headed for the green mountains road beside the han river.
Exactly at 3am they reached at the mountains road. The road is looking beautiful and peaceful at the same time. Jungkook stopped his car beside the road.
"Woah... mountain road?" Jimin said looking around.
"Yes.." Jungkook said and smiled at Jimin. He then came out from the car. Jungkook looked at the sky and smiled.
"Jimin come out" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded his head and came out from the car.
"Will you please tell me now..why you brought me here!" Jimin said looking at Jungkook. Jungkook kept his one hand on Jimin's shoulder.
"You wanted to see the night sky that day at the night club. You remember?"
"Ni..night sky!" Jimin said under his breath and rememberd how silly he acted when he was drunk.
"Oh yeah...I just..
"Look above " Jimin couldn't finish his words before that Jungkook said it. Jimin looked at the sky and his eyes were wide opened. He was looking at the sky without blinking his eyes.
"Ju.. Jungkook! It's so beautiful" Jimin said excitedly. Jungkook felt happy inside looking at a happy Jimin.
"Come ..let's sit and watch the view." Jungkook said and held Jimin's hand. They both climbed up on the roof of the big car and seated there.
"Look...those stars" Jimin said pointing at the sky. Jungkook looked at the stars.
"Looks like they are glinting in different colors" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded.
"Yeahhh. I am loving the view ..." Jimin said and Jungkook smiled.
Jimin then looked at Jungkook who was looking at the sky.
"But Jungkook.." Jimin said and Jungkook looked at him.
"I just said that in an unconscious mind...I was drunk not so serious. Why did you come so far while driving at this hour...I was not serious though "
"Silly...I know you love the night sky. No matter you are in conscious mind or unconscious..you still love the night sky don't you?"
Jimin's heart melted hearing this from Jungkook. He smiled and nodded.
"Yeah I love it very much"
"Then! Don't worry about driving or timing just enjoy the view.." Jungkook said and smiled.
"That's why I love you idiot " Jimin said and hugged Jungkook.
"Ayoo... leave me you are so heavy" Jungkook said teasingly and Jimin smashed on his chest playfully. They both smiled and was enjoying the night sky while sitting on the car's roof. They clicked pictures of the sky and themselves together.
After enjoying the view they both headed for their home at 4am. Jungkook dropped Jimin at his home.
"Bye...see you at the class" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded smilingly.
"See you idiot. And thanks a lot..for a beautiful surprise." Jimin said and Jungkook smiled.
"It's ok...go and think which surprise you should give me at next !" Jungkook said playfully.
"Idiot...go ..I won't give you any surprise" Jimin said playfully and got down from the car.
"I will take it from you forcefully so get ready." Jungkook said loudly and Jimin laughed. They both laughed together and waved at each other. Jungkook then left the place then headed for his homeand Jimin went inside his home without making any sound and then laid down on his bed again.
Jimin took his phone and opened his Instagram. He then posted three pictures of Jungkook and him.

 He then posted three pictures of Jungkook and him

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Thanks a lot my idiot 😊 😁💖@ JJKJungkook opened the Instagram and smiled looking the pictures

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Thanks a lot my idiot 😊 😁💖
Jungkook opened the Instagram and smiled looking the pictures.
He made a comment under Jimin's post.
@ PJM now it's your turn🙄 remind it.😗

Jimin smiled looking at the comment and fell asleep.

The view:

See you in next part 💜💛

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See you in next part 💜💛

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