- ONE -

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Italics meaning sign language.


I brushed my hair out, before the door opens. In the corner of my eye i see my older brother Ni-ki.

"Hana we need to leave. Lets go." "You're rushing me too much, we have time." I look at his face, it was stern. "Sorry, I'll get ready now."

I quickly put a clip in my hair and run out. We walk towards the school, as my brother nudges me.

"You haven't ate, am i right?" I roll my eyes. "You didn't feed me, stupid." He sticks his middle finger up.

"Don't swear at me Riki!" He smirks and sticks it up again. "Such a problem maker." I smile at my elder brother.

We saw Riki's best friend, Sunoo come up. He bowed at me then at Riki I couldn't hear what they were saying, but that's okay.

I walked, basically 3rd wheeling the 2 boys as they talked about whatever. 'I wonder... Professor said we had a new student.'

I think to myself. I was lost in thought so I couldn't even feel the hard nudge i got to my shoulder. "I-im sorry!" I said out broken Korean as i hovered my bag older my shoulder.

"It's just me Hana, what happened?" I looked up to see my brother. I kicked his knee as he fell down.

"Geez you scared the living hell out of me Ri! Do that again I'll make sure you regret it.!"

He smiled and hugged me, i looked behind him to see Sunoo giggling.

"Sunoo!" I say with a laugh. "Your Korean has gotten better, Hana."

I smile and nod. "so hasn't your sign language. i can understand it well, you're basically a pro!"

He blushes and looks away. "I'm glad, well let's get going."

I took my phone out to look in the camera app. 'I wonder.. would i be prettier if i could hear... if i was normal?'

I brushed a strand of hair out of my face. 'Why don't people like me? Is it because i have a hearing problem...' I had so many questions.

I was spaced out before seeing a notification. 'What you thinking about?" I turned to my nosy brother.

"Why is it your business?~" "speak to me like that again Hana!" I stick up the middle finger. "Touché.."

"Everyone everyone, welcome Yang Jungwon into our classroom." I of course couldn't hear what he was saying but with the help of my friend Yeji, i was able to make out what's going on.

"A new student? This far into the year, who would do that?" Yeji laughed, i wish I could hear it.

"A guy with nothing better to do, or maybe his parents are rich? Look at his clothes, gucci seriously?" I nod.

"What if  hes a jerk?" She pats my head. "Don't sweat it. I bet he's nice, who wouldn't be with that innocent cat face!" She swoons over him but I just shrug.

"He reminds me of an old... classmate."

"Ohhh~ is that right hmm? A boyfriend maybe? Wait till Ri-ki hears about this!" I nudge her. "Yeji stop! No, just an old classmate. At my old school."

"Hm okay~" We turn back to the front of the class. The professor was still talking to Jungwon, about who knows what.

Not like I cared, I didn't want to be in this school. I didn't want to be in any school for a matter of fact.

If I could stay home and read all day I would, but my brother forces me to go here.

I want to stay in Japan, but of course everything goes wrong, because of me. Now we're stuck in korea, but I don't regret it.

I don't regret moving, I don't regret meeting people, but i do regret not standing up for myself.

What haunts me is the look on senior bullies face when he tortured me. I could see the nasty things the wrote about me, they were torture.

'Just imagine if I could hear what they said behind my back, even in front of me. They were all cowards, picking on a girl with a hearing impairment.


How could they consider themselves humans.. They should earn that title.'

I was so lost into my thoughts I could see the young man trying to get my attention.

3rd person

"Helloooooo?!" Jungwon waved his hands infront of her face like an idiot. 'Jeez can this girl really not hear me?!' He thought.

'Who would want to ignore me, only a loser.' He taps the girl. She finally looks up, staring into his eyes.

'Yang... Jungwon.' she covers her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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