The Secret Forest I

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The date was set. They would meet in a secret location tomorrow afternoon to be alone, in the art gallery and workshop where she sometimes pained or sketched out her feelings. Jay and Gray had been flirting and sexting for a couple of weeks now, and they were ready to make this fantasy a reality. They knew there would be a lot of collateral damage if they were found. However unhappy they were in their current circumstances , neither of them wished to hurt the other irrevocably.

The plan had come about only after lots of discussion and careful consideration about what each of them wanted and expected from this. The spark had been there for quite some time, and they had tried to ignore it as much as possible, to be decent and honest people. They promised each other it was just good fun that was intended to fill the voids that each had growing deep down from years of being in complicated and lackluster situations. There was so much chemistry between them that it was hard to keep this "situationship" from becoming more, but they had to try.

Gray lay in her bed, wishing the hours would go by quicker. She couldn't help rubbing her feet and thighs together like a cricket from excitement. Hopefully the muscle relaxers she'd taken to calm down would have her drifting off soon enough. She felt like a kid on the night before Christmas, wondering what tomorrow, and Jay, would hold for her.

Her past trauma manifested itself in the way she pulled her arms in tight and crossed her closed fists over her chest, and pulled the blankets up over her right ear that was exposed as she always slept on her left side. Her knees bent slightly, arms tucked in tight, she unlocked the door to the secret enchanted forest in her mind, where she kept her feelings for him locked away safely for only her to access when she wanted to.

Gray closed her eyes as she forced her brain to shut everything else down; the usual restless thoughts and chatter that cluttered her mind as she prepared to drift to where she wanted to be most of all...with him. She exhaled all of her air, and upon inhaling again, she let his face and form slowly come into focus.

That's how easy and comfortable they were together; it felt as natural as breathing. Slowly the image became clearer, and it wasn't any of the tauntingly salacious sexting photos he had sent her that appeared, but just his everyday she was used to seeing him: dark black/brown curly hair, sparkling brown eyes that she could swim in, which lived behind black glasses that framed his features like art, his luscious full lips that she longed to feel against the soft skin of her neck curved in a gentle smile. His strong arms and chest remained mostly hidden under his shirt, and the lines of muscle in his sleek torso that made her mouth water.

This was the Jay she longed to hold her. The one she wanted comforting her, caring for her, caressing her, making her feel better. She let herself drift farther into that magical forest, as she envisioned the darker side that he'd revealed to her in their messages and conversations about the books they read, and what they lacked and wanted in intimacy.

His eyes still sparkled, but darkened. His lips that she longed to brush against her skin still beautiful and warm, but now twisted in a knowing smirk. His shirt appeared shredded and tattered before it blew away with the wind. His dark gray sweatpants sagging low on his hips, revealing the outline of what she knew lay underneath them waiting for her.

He grabbed her by the wrist hard enough that it would leave a mark, but in a claiming way, not to intentionally harm her. He pulled her into his chest before spinning them around and pushing her up against the nearest tree, "Shall I take you right here my love?" He whispered against her neck, letting his lips brush over her skin. She looked around at her fantasy realm, which was now dark, a full moon hung above them in the sky, and the wind picked up blowing the leaves in swirling wisps all around them.

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