3. we are alone, you can't escape

167 5 9

-throwing up
-mental illness
-obsessive-compulsive disorder
-anger issues
I got an idea....

Darkness...pure darkness enveloped my trembling body. My limbs were stiff and wrapped uselessly around my pathetic form of a woman's body. Sweat ran down my forehead, it was hot in here, no window was open. I felt like I was in a tight straitjacket which only further choked off all my air, with each second that passed.

In the corridor outside the huge house, the screams of my headmistress, my love, echoed from the walls. The children were screaming, everything was so cruel and dreadful.
Just because she hadn't taken her medication. Medication which were helping her to keep control. One of the children let out a bright screeching sound, I quickly covered my ears with my trembling hands. My heart hammered against my chest, sweat soaked through my long t-shirt. Panic, which had been haunting me for months, came over me this time too, wondering what was happening behind the doors...what was happening to Emma, Bronwyn, Olive, Hugh, Millard, Enoch and the others...if their desperate bloody screams were the last I heard.

Through my hands I heard the clatter of glass, a vase being knocked over, a horrible loud scream and I was startled as something heavy was thrown against the door of my room. I let out a painful whimper, curled up as a helpless ball on my bed, everything inside me shaking, my sobs threatening to burst out of me. Because as I counted the desperate seconds, all I could think about was that I would be next, a feeling that still was creeping up my spine.

But the more minutes passed, the quieter the house became. The cruel screeching and shouting could be heard again, the tearing of wallpaper made me shudder as if someone had scratched it with their fingernails and torn it apart. But shortly afterwards it became quiet, quiet like death itself. Only the heavy shuffling of feet could be heard, moving slowly past my door, so slowly that it had an agonizing effect on me, so that at any moment I had the feeling that my room door would swing open and reveal my furious headmistress.

I carefully took my hands away from my ears and listened, murmuring softly. A muffled crash sounded from next door, which made me flinch and then, suddenly, my blood froze in my veins as I heard my name echoing through the house. "Y/N) come here! Now!" shouted a harsh, menacing voice, the voice of the person I had been afraid of for the last few months, the person who had made our lives a walking hell. And all because there is nothing that can help us...no medication, no therapist. I felt lost, fragile, exploited...How could I even put up with this abuse all these months?

Despite my discomfort, I stayed where I was, but there was another crash, she had hit the wall with her fist. "I know where you are. Come here or you'll regret it!" she hissed loudly, so I was forced to withdraw my will and stand up on shaky legs. I was overcome with fear as I slowly opened the door of my desolate room and peeked into the hallway, obviously greeted by a gruesome sight.
In addition to the lifeless and pathetic corpses of the people who looked at me from empty eye sockets and seemed to be begging me to stop, the walls were covered in blood, which dripped down the bluish, torn wallpaper and was already forming a huge pool on the floor, which started to redden even more and soaked  the whole carpet.

I had never seen anything like it before, it smelled awful, my stomach immediately cramped up by the strong smell. I felt dizzy as I put my hand on my stomach and started humming to myself in panic so I wouldn't vomit immediately right here and now. Nevertheless, I tried to regulate my breathing, which felt heavy in my lungs.

Across the long, bloody corridor was Alma's open room. Even from a distance, I recognized her sitting on her bed, her posture hunched forward, her trembling hands digging into her shimmering black-bluish hair, her knees bobbing up and down impatiently.

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