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Ni-ki went to the door and unlocked it, so the older boy could come in. He was still upset with him, but not as much as earlier. He let him in without any word and they both sat on the bed.
"If it weren't you, who went out then who was it?" Riki asked curiously.
"I just opened the door and closed it, because i had the feeling that then you'd come out." Jay explained with a chuckle.

The younger just glared at him and then they became silent.
"Listen, I'm sorry. As i texted you earlier you're both equal to me. None of you is more important than the other, yeah?" Jay said and put his arm over Riki's shoulders. The younger nodded and put his head on Jay's chest.

"I didn't knew it hurt you like this." He admitted and rubbed the boy's arm.
"If Jungwon didn't told me you cried, I would never thought of such possibility."
"Me too." The younger laughed a little and well, he didn't cried just because of the whole situation but also because Jungwon's voice was so gentle, he didn't judged.

He got worried for him and called even though it was so late. He was just so caring and sweet, that it only made Riki more vulnerable in that moment. And he wasn't blaming him, that he didn't get enough sleep.

"You know," Jay's voice got him out of his thoughts. "We can go out later for some coffee or something. I found a cafe near by."

"We can, but we need to take Ryumi with us. I don't trust him enough to leave him alone at home yet." Ni-ki exclaimed with small smile.
"Yeah. Me too. So at 5 p.m. will be okay?" Jay asked and looked at him.
"Why so late?"
"I need to do some work. I don't have it like you that i don't need to do anything."

"Sucks to be you." Riki joked and Jay pushed him slightly that he fell on the bed. The younger then took his phone.
"I'm gonna tell Jungwonie Hyung that we made up."
"I should thank him. If it weren't for him, you probably would be still sulking." He heard Jay as he started typing.



we made up
thanks to you

glad i could help

did you finally eat?

yes i did

that's good
when do you end

4 p.m.

im going out with
jay so i thought you
could come with us

but i can't
maybe other time


have nice time there

thank youu



"He says he's glad he could help." Riki said as he put the phone next to him. Jay nodded and ruffled the younger boy's hair before getting up.
"I'm gonna do work now. If you need me or something, you know where i am."
"Yep." The boy replied and also got up.

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