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Jungwon rushed into the room with a toothbrush in his mouth while drying his hair.
"Jiwon!" He took the blanket off the younger boy. "Get up, we'll be late." He said to him, his voice muffled. His brother stirred awake and looked at him with sleepy eyes.
"What?" He asked confused. Jungwon just chuckled.

"Get up. I don't want you to be late"
The boy looked at the clock to see that it's already 7.10 a.m..
"Jake hyung will be here in a while." Jungwon said as he took some clothes that were on a chair and handed them to the boy.

They both went into the bathroom, Jungwon finally spitting the toothpaste into the sink. About 10 minutes later the doorbell rang. Jungwon opened the door to see Jake standing all ready.
"I might as well give you key to my home." He joked and let him in.

The older went in and sat on the couch.
"I have home. I don't need yours too." He replied and Jungwon glared at him.
"Are you talking about yours or Heeseung's." He teased as he combed his hair. Jake just flipped him off, a pink tint on his cheeks.
"Shut up!"

The younger laughed at his reaction. He knew that Jake really, really liked Heeseung, and sometimes he couldn't help but tease him. After a few minutes they were all ready to go. Jungwon quickly took Riki's hoodie to his bag to give it back to him.

He locked the door, and they started making their's way to school. Jake was telling him how his crush is making him blush by some stupid pickup lines.
"I think there is something wrong with you because I don't think anyone would blush at 'you're hotel but without el'." Jake made an offended look.

"Excuse me? Leave my man alone."

Jungwon actually started questioning his choice of friends. And Jake's choice of crushes.



7.58 a.m.

where are you😭

by the gates?
im literally waiting for you

i think im lost :'>

send me a pic

but you know you'll see
me in a while?

but here


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