Chapter 13 ~ decisions ~

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Anurak woke up to the sound of his cell phone beeping, he grabbed the phone then sat up and  noticed that Niran wasn't there, no doubt he would be working out upstairs.

He picked up the call when he saw the estate agents name flashing.

"Mr Phanathitt, good morning"

"ah, Mr Apattachin, how are you sir?" the agent said.

"I'm very well Mr Phanathitt but you don't have to call me sir" Anurak said.

"very well sir ... Mr ..."

"please just call me Anurak"

"very well Mr ... Anurak, I'm sorry to call you so early but I've found a suite that I think you might like, it only became available yesterday and I think it's just the kind of place you are looking for"

"it sounds interesting, do you have pictures?" Anurak said.

"well the things is, we haven't even had a chance to put it on the books yet so I was going over there to take pictures this morning but if you want to come and have a look and if you like it, I won't need to bother" the agent replied.

"that sounds good to me, what time?" Anurak asked him.

"I was thinking about ten o' clock, if that's ok I'll meet you at the gate" the agent added.

"gate? is it a gated community?" Anurak asked.

"I get the impression that it's a large property that has been sectioned off into several self contained suites, so ten o' clock then?"

"yes that's fine, don't forget to send me the address" Anurak said before ending the call and within minutes a message arrived with the address.

Anurak jumped out of bed to go and wash up before dressing then he went through to the main part of the apartment and made himself a coffee, he could hear Niran grunting on his gym apparatus so he went upstairs and found Niran on his rowing machine working on his upper arms.

"good morning angel, did you sleep well?" Niran called out when he saw him.

"yes thank you, did you?" Anurak asked.

"always with you beside me" Niran smiled.

"I have news"

"oh? just a minute" Niran said then slowed down to a stop before grabbing his towel and wiping his face and neck.

"ok, I'm all ears" he beamed.

"well the agent called and he has a property to show me, I wondered if you would like to come with me?" Anurak asked.

"sure, what time?"

"ten, is that ok?" Anurak asked.

"I'll be ready"

At five to ten, Anurak, Niran and the agent met up at the gates of a large property and the agent was armed with his camera and a few other documents just in case Anurak didn't want the apartment.

"it looks like the kind of place you've been looking for angel, safe and secure" Niran said to Anurak.

"yeah but I bet it costs a fortune, the house is like a small palace" Rak replied.

"Mr Phanathitt to see the suite of rooms" the agent said after pressing the intercom.

"very good sir, I will buzz you in" a disembodied voice spoke.

"there must be security as well" Anurak said and Niran nodded.

A buzzer sounded and Mr Phanathitt pushed the gate to open it then they all walked inside and after closing the gate they began to walk down the long drive to the large property.

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