Chapter 8

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Luca's POV

I woke up that morning and smiled. Seto and I spent the day together catching up yesterday after I got out of the hospital.

"What are you thinking about?" I heard Rietta ask beside me. I smiled up at her,

"Just thinking how weird it is to speak. I've been without a voice for so long. It just feels so surreal." I admitted. She came over and kissed my forehead. She had become like a big sister to me already.

"Well you managed that long without. It just proves that you can use this one to defend those who can't." He said. A hand on my shoulder. I smiled and walked over to my closet. Opening the door my eyes widened, in front of me was a replica of my brother's trenchcoat. Except this one was Purple where Seto's was white, and the inside was sky blue. I quickly changed into an outfit similar to Seto's and walked over to it. There was a note attached to it.

Dear Sister.

I hope you like the present. I wasnt sure what colours to get so I chose the colors you liked when we were kids. Purple and Sky Blue. This is yours now. I hope you where it today.

Love you


I smiled and pulled the coat off the hanger and put it on. I adjusted the wrist cuffs that came with it and put on the sky blue arm and leg straps. I put on my choker that looked somewhat like Yuugi's but a little thinner and walked out. Rietta eyed me and smiled.

"You look very grown up. I like the gravity defying nature of it as well." She said and I looked behind me. Sure enough, it defied the laws of physics and stuck up just like my brothers did. I grabbed my deck off my nightstand and put it in its deck box attached to the side of my pants. I walked out of my room and ran down the stairs. Laughing as I slid down the banister on the way down. But I went a little to fast on the way and flew right off. Thankfully Layla made me take some gymnastics classes that stuck with me.

In midair I twisted my body so I would land and do a handspring then cartwheel to get rid of the momentum. I hit the ground with my hand and pushed off. Doing a one handed back handspring and and then a one handed cartwheel. Once I stood on my feet again I turned to find Rietta stare at me with me with wide eyes.

"What Layla made me take a gymnastics class and it stuck with me. Now shut you're mouth, you'll catch flies." I told her. She did as said and I turned around to find Seto looking at me.

"I had no clue you could do that. Thas pretty cool sis." He said as he came to stand beside me.

"Thanks bro. I also love the jacket." I told him as we walked out the door. And to the chopper that was ready to go. We got in and I gave Seto the window seat. He loved the window seat when he was a child. We flew out over the city where many were gathered. I could see Yami and..... her ..... in the crowd and a bunch of others.

"I already made the announcement about the tournament on the big screen. It's your turn to announce the starting point." Seto said and I nodded. We climbed out of the chopper door and stood on the foot rail. I looked out over the crowd and locked eyes with Ryou. Who smiled at me. I smiled back and raised my hand.
"Don't forget to pick up your duel disk because exactly one week from now the Battle City Tournament will begin." I yelled, I saw some duelists look at me strange. But I almost smirked.

"Whoever beats my sister in a duel will be considered a worthy opponent for me to face." Seto yelled. I actually did smirk that time.

"Yes, but I warn you. I have cards you could never even begin to imagine. My cards are one of a kind. So good luck beating me. In fact the only person I think who give me somewhat of a challenge would be Yuugi Mutou. But give it all you've got." I yelled and looked to Seto who nodded. I took my hand off the handle of the chopper door and jumped off. Turning the duel disk on my arm on and summoning some of my monsters. Elemental Hero Neos, Stardust Dragon, Number 39 Utopia and Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon. Neos and Utopia grabbed my arms and lowered me down to the ground.

"These are just some of my monsters. Say hello to Elemental Hero Neos!" I yelled and he bowed,

"Stardust Dragon!" He roared,

"Number 39 Utopia!" He raised his arm to the sky,

"And Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" I finished as he roared as well.

"But how did they carry you down. They're just holograms." I heard someone in the crowd yell.

"That's what you think. This Duel disk is not like the others. It's one of my own design. It allows mass to be implemented in monster Holograms." I said as I hopped onto Stardust. "See you all in one week." I said as I flew off on Stardust. My other monsters disappearing.

When I got home I hopped off Stardust and stroked his neck.

"Thanks buddy, you were great." I told him as I took his card and put it back in my deck. Him disappearing along with it. I turned around and walked into the mansion. Rietta floating along beside me.

"I hope we get to duel Yami." She said. I shook my head.

"Of course you do. Although I have to admit that would give me the challenge I've been looking for. I only came third in Duelist kingdom because I didn't have my regular deck. I gave it to Dad for a bit. If I had it I would've won." I said, pouting a little. I heard a chuckle behind me so I turned around. Ryou was standing there. I smiled and walked over,

"Your monsters are amazing." He said,

"I know. I got them from mom who got them from Pegasus. I never told anyone this but mom was a card designer for Pegasus and he treated her like a daughter. One day he gave her a deck filled with one of a kind cards. When she died, that same deck was given to me by order of her will. I'll never give up these cards." I said, holding up my duel disk and smiling at my deck. I felt a hand grasp my chin and I looked up at Ryou. He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back and after a while we pulled away. His ring glowed and I knew I was in the presence of Bakura. I let Rietta take over and Ryou and I left give them a little space. We sat down on the grass on the courtyard and looked up at the sky. I had been up all night. The sun was already peeking out above the mountains. I rested my head on Ryou's ghostly shoulder and felt my eyes drooping,

"I love you Ryou." I said, before I could hear his answer though. I fell asleep.

Before you say anything. Its my OC I'm allowed to have any cards I want. There won't be many XYZ monsters tho. As I haven't watch Zexal all that much yet.

Luv ya long time


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