Chapter 16

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Luca's POV

I was carrying Mokuba up to his room after he fell asleep from crying so much. After I set him on his bed I could've sworn I heard a voice from behind me,

'I love you too, My little LuLu.' It said and I whirled around only to find nothing there. Oh Seto I hope you're somewhere a little better than this. I hope your happy. I put a sad smile on my face and left Mokuba's Room, but broke down when I reached mine. The last time I cried like this was when Mom died. Dad couldn't calm me down, I only had the memory of Seto rocking me to sleep. What got me through the day back then was knowing that I would see Seto again.

Honestly I was starting to rethink my decision to keep the tournament going. If I was going to run this company I would need all the spare time I could get.

"I'm sorry Luca. I know you don't need the things that happen to you. And you certainly don't need my problems to deal with." I heard in front of me. I sniffed and looked up to see Rietta with a sad look on her face, I smiled and gave a small laugh,

"I-Its Ok. I don't m-mind. Bakura b-betrayed you. Its no t-trouble at all." I stuttered out. My voice shaking and quivering because I was still crying. "Oh Rietta, I-I don't know how I'm going to g-get through this.

"Hey, its like you said to me at the dock. I have my faith in you, just as you put your faith in me." She said as she hugged me. I couldn't help it. I sat in her arms as I sobbed, just like I had done for her a week ago. Eventually I felt sleep tugging me into a dark place, where I would no doubt have nightmares about the past couple days I had. But I succumbed to it anyway. Falling into a surprisingly dreamless sleep.

When I woke up the next day I was surprised to find Moki snuggling up to me. He must of woke up and come in the middle of the night. I thought as I stroked the back of his head, smiling at how much he reminded me of myself when I was younger. When I would cry and Seto would comfort me. Moki started to stir and opened his eyes,

"Hey, how did you sleep?" I asked him, still stroking his hair. He looked up at me,

"Good I guess. I'm sorry I came in without permission. Seto didn't really mind when I did stuff like that." He said quietly. I smiled and kissed his forehead,

"I'm gonna tell you something. Seto wasn't always so cold and heartless as he was. He used to really kind and caring. Before I was kidnapped, whenever I was scared or sad the first person I would go to was Seto. His hugs were the best thing to calm me down, As I cried he held me and rocked me back and forth until I fell asleep. He never pushed me to talk about whatever it was that bad made me cry, he felt that if I wanted to tell I would tell. And thats why as much as he never wanted to admit it. He would do anything for his family." I said as I held Moki. I could tell that he was trying to hold in his tears by the way he tensed,

"Luca? Was Seto ever excited to have a little brother?" He asked, I felt myself tense in surprise as I looked down at him,

"Mokuba, of course he was excited, he was extactic. For at least three days after mother told us he was jumping around squealing until either mother or I told him to shut up, It was really funny." I said giving a small giggle. He looked up and smiled,

"For as long as I can remember, Seto was always really sad. He always tried to cover it up and I never knew why. Sometimes I would hear him crying out the name Luca at night, as well as I'm sorry and I couldn't help you. But since you came home he stopped doing it. You made him genuinely happy again and I had missed that side of him. Thank you big sister." He said and hugged me tighter. I was shocked, He felt that it was his fault that I was taken. None of it was his fault, some jackass thought it would be fun to take a little girl from her garden and be amused while she screamed her Brothers name. By the time he came out the man was carrying me halfway over the fence. Seto was too in shock to do anything so I never blamed him,

"I never knew. Now that I think about it. He did end up helping me, he took me out of a dark place and brought me home to the light, to my family. Your welcome Mokuba, I would do anything to see the both of you happy." I said, he smiled though I saw the tears in the corner of his eyes,

"Sis? I think we should postpone the tournament. At least until further notice, so nothing else and we can get the company thing all figured out." He said and I thought about it. It did sound like a good idea, I needed some time to get in the swing of things with the company and the tournament only meant trouble that would damage that time. I nodded,

"Yes that sounds like a good idea. I need to figure out how to run a major company and this tournament only means more chances for someone to get hurt. I originally meant to keep it running but this is going to take alot out of me. That and there's the problems with Rietta and Bakura." I mused, sitting up in bed. Mokuba coming with me. I smiled sadly and got up out of bed, straightening my jacket before looking at Mokuba,

"Ready the broadcast. I have a tournament to postpone."

Hey guise. I promise I won't go on to much with this sadness. I-

Seto: How dare you kill me off.

Luca: Seto...... I guess not.

Seto: See. My own sister can sense me. I don't see why it was nessecary.

Me: it wasn't. You're just a dick sometimes and I needed a plot twist.... *tries to hold a straight face but ends up laughing* I'm just kidding. But I did want some aspect of loss. And the best way to do that was to kill off the main characters brother. Just be thankful I didn't kill off Mokuba.

Seto: I would've hurt you if you had. Anyway, Kris doesn't own Yugioh. Blah blah blah disclaimer.

Me: that was my job but yeah. I also suck at finding ways to incorporate people into a show so Luca will probably be taking Kaibas role in the episodes with a bit of adjustments.

Luv ya long time

KrisTheSatanSister (and Seto)

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