Chapter 11

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Rietta's POV

I ran down the alley at full speed and yelled at my silver haired thief,

"Akefia Ryou Bakura you will NOT make a deal with that man!" At the sound of my voice Akefia turned towards me as I tackled the other man to the ground,

"Why are you and your Rare Hunters here? What does The Pharaoh have to do with anything?" I asked him, sitting on top of him and pushing his forehead into the ground, his eyes widened and then narrowed once more,

"Who are you to ask such a thing?" He asked back. It made me only push his head further into the ground,

"I am your worst nightmare. I am The Thief Queen Rietta. Where Akefia was ruthless I was cunning and intelligent. I was the brains.. Behind the brawn. So I'll ask once more. Why are you and your Rare Hunters here?" I asked, he smirked,

"I'm here to take the power that was entitled to me from the very beginning. The power of the gods!" He finished with a yell. My eyes narrowed and I got off of him. But not before knocking him out with a punch to the face. I stood up and turned to Akefia,

"My love. I know you seek revenge on your sister, so do I. But stealing the millennium items is not the way. Look at this, you see this necklace. This is all I will ever need. Because it came from you. You having the ring and I with the pendant. This is all we were destined to have. So please, Don't go looking for Dark Magic. Losing you to that is something I never want to go through." I begged as I put his hand on my Pendant. His eyes said that he wanted to refuse my pleading but his heart said otherwise or at least I thought it did. He kissed me and pulled me close,

"You will never lose me, Ever. I understand your concern but this is something I have to do. I'm sorry. I love you so much." He said after he pulled away. With that he pulled away from me completely and walked over to the man on the ground. I felt tears rising in my eyes and my voice quivered as I spoke,

"Akefia.... If you wake that man and make a deal I will never forgive you. Please don't do this." He froze for a second but continued,

"I'm sorry." Was all he said before he woke up the man. They exchanged a few words and then..... They shook hands. I couldn't believe what I was seeing,

"Akefia........ How could you. Do my pleas fall on deaf ears. I thought you would side with your Queen but now I see I was mistaken in trusting a Thief such as yourself." I said as I slowly backed out of the Alley. He looked away from me. His eyes downcast. I couldn't take it anymore. So I ran, I ran away from that Alley like my life depended on it. Eventually I came to the Domino Docks. I sat at the end of one of the piers and pulled my knees to my chest. I looked out over the horizon and let out a scream. A scream that held all my pain and anguish. How could I have let myself be caught up in the thrill of a thief's life. I was a girl of noble blood. The cousin to the Pharaoh and the sister to his most trusted advisor. How could I let myself sink so low.

/Because you loved him./ Luca said in my mind, I looked around and she was there, looking out at the sun that was setting. I sighed

/I thought I did. Now I don't know if I want to have anything to do with him. You saw the exchange between us. He sided with the man behind the problems instead of me, His wife. I just don't know what the hell I'm feeling. I want to love him, but at the same time I want nothing to do with him./ I ranted but stopped when I felt Luca's arms wrap around me.

/Love isn't a choice. Believe me I know. It's something everyone needs. Some need it to keep them motivated, others need it to just make it through the day. I know for a fact that you are both. You need the love of everyone around you to make it through this. And you for sure have mine. You've become like a big sister to me. I know you'll make it through this./ she said and held me as I cried. I continued to cry all the pain out while she hugged me. Eventually I had cried all the tears out and we stood up.

/Thank you Luca. For everything, you've been the little sister I never had. And I could never dream of having one better than you for that./ I thought, smiling at her. She nodded and smiled too.

/Good. Now come on. Let's go find Seto and the rest of the gang. They're probably worried. I know Seto would be./ she said and I nodded. We walked off the pier where I saw a certain Thief waiting. I stopped in my tracks, Luca switched with me and I turned away. Heading to my soul room for some peace.

Luca's POV

I switched with Rietta when we saw Bakura waiting at the end of the pier. I walked over to him, pure anger running through me.

"Bakura." I said with a cold voice when I reached him, he turned his head towards me and I saw the strangest sight. Tears were flowing from his eyes and his mouth was drawn into a tight line. Like he was straining not to make any noise. Still the sight was not enough to quench the anger of him hurting my friend and big sister.

"Sorry Ryou, this is for Rietta." I said before I slapped him as hard as I could, effectively knocking him off balance. He looked up at me with wide eyes. Holding his cheek with the palm of his hand.

"What the hell was that for?!" He yelled at me. I narrowed my eyes at him and put my hands on my hips,

"That was for hurting Rietta. I mean come on, who sides with the enemy in front of their wife who is on the right side." I said to him. "By the way she won't talk to you. Just in case you were going to ask about talking to her. Now switch and let me see Ryou." I said. He looked down and nodded, then he stood up and he rubbed his cheek.

"Ow Luca you have a hard slap." Ryou said. I instantly felt bad and gingerly put my hand over his.

"Oh sorry Ryou. It was for his own good." I said and kissed his other cheek,

"I know, Its ok. He had it coming. I want to give him a good slap as well for being that stupid." He said, his eyes looking up at his forehead. Mostly likely trying to imagine Bakura in pain. I gave a small laugh and kissed his cheek again. I took his hand and we started walking back towards the city.

"Ryou who was the man Bakura made the deal with?" I asked. I wanted to know who it was so that I could beat the shit out of them later. He put his hand on his chin and thought for a moment.

"Hmm, I think his name was...."

MUAHAHAHAHAHA I'm so eeeeevvviiillllll..... Maybe. (Quoting PeanutButterGamer)

Anyway.. What will Luca think of the man that made the deal? Will Rietta forgive Bakura? Why am I asking the questions I already know the answer to? Well you'll just have to wait and see.

Luv ya long time


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