. I should've .

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"Yea, I will." I say softly, getting out of bed and stepping slowly down the stairs and looking out the window, noticing Rein and the others coming back. "Rein!" I cry out, sprinting out the door. As she notices me, she slightly roars and runs towards me and she jumps up onto my shoulders causing me to fall to the ground. "Hey my girl!" I say, happily as she brushes her rough tongue against my cheeks as the others leap on my, "aguuu!" I groan, as they leap on my bruises. "My boys, and girls!" I say, wrapping my arms around as many as I could. 

"Someone is happy to see you." Arrow smiles, petting Loon. "I am happy to see them!" I say, smiling. "You're happier to see them, then you were me." Arrow jokes, "Oh shut the hell up." I grin. I reach out my hand to Arrow, "Alright, help me up now." I say, as Arrow reaches out for my hand and pulls me in for a kiss. "Mm." I say, pulling away. "I miss those lips." Arrow says, "As I missed yours. Hector almost made me forget the feeling of your lips on mine." "What?" Arrow and I look back to see Wisp and Parley at the campfire. "Why don't we go back, and you can tell us what Satan did to you." She says, grabbing my hand. "Okay."

We go to the campfire and sit down, our cougars and lynx following closely behind. "So, what did this guy do to you." Wisp asks. "Well.." I look at my hands, fidgeting. "He kidnapped me, and tied me to the bed. I convinced him to let me roam the tent under the condition that he going have sex with me. That he gave me a list of rules, and if i disobeyed I was whipped." I paused, wincing as I lifted my shirt exposing my many bruises and cuts, "Oh, baby I am so sorry." Arrow says, softly putting her hands on my bruises. "Yea, and he raped me multiple times, tortured me, stared at me, forced me to do stuff to him. He is so different from when I was there." 

"This is all my fault." Arrow says, sighing. "What?" Parley asks. "I shot his sister in the head, cause she threatened to kill Rein." Arrow says, looking over at Rein. "Oh." Wisp and Parley say at the same time. "Yea, she was a dumb bastard though. I watched her treat Saora poorly for far to long." She looks over at me. "You knew I was there, before?" "Oh yea, I always admired you." Arrow pauses. "You did?" I ask, with disbelief. "Yea, I always told myself that I would talk to you but every time I approached, that bitch Hector always intervened." She says, clenching her fists. "Well, I am glad we are together now." I say, leaning on her. 

"I never want us to be apart again." I say, wrapping my arms around her. "Alright, well I have a girl boner. Let's go baby." Arrow says, sweeping me off the log which makes me giggle. I lean my head back, noticing Parley and Wisp running inside and Rein laying down asleep with the other cougars, and Loon. We get inside and she throws me on the bed, we both giggle. "God, you're beautiful." She says, pressing her hands against my body softly.

I get up, shortly after as I unbuckle my bra. "I need to hit the shower." I say, walking to our bathroom. Once I step into our shower, I feel Arrows hand around my waist. "You just can't stay off of me." I grin, leaning into her. "No, I can't, won't." She says, kissing my neck. "Hm." I say, "I am so sorry, about what that thing did to you." She says, kneeling down to kiss my bruises. "It is okay, you couldn't have done anything about it." I say. "I could've come outside with you, I should've. I should've so he wouldn't have done this to you." Arrow pleads. "Love, it is alright." I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight as I feel her body shake and hear her sniffle. "Why are you crying?" I ask, worry in my eyes. "I thought, I thought I lost you." She says, dipping her head. I put my hands on her face, and shift her eyes towards mine. "I am never leaving, you'll never lose me. I will never stop fighting for you." I say, pulling her into a tight hug. My heart races as I feel her body tremble and I embrace her.

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