You haven't aged a day (lies)

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Hi! Quick one before I start the chapter, I wanted to change a few things.

They'll be watching this a few days before Dumbledore dies in Half Blood Prince and there are some guests I didn't mention either. Loki, Nick and Maria are here too.


They talked for a little while about Hogwarts and classes.

The train began to slow.

RON: Great, I'm starving. I can't wait to get to the Feast.

HERMIONE: We can't be there yet.

The train gave a jolt and Harry slid open the door to look down the train, as did many others.

There was another jolt and he was thrown back into his seat.

RON: What's going on?!

HARRY: I don't know. Maybe we've broken down.

The lights flickered a little then went out.

Ron got up and carefully walked past Lupin to peer out the window.

HERMIONE: Ouch, Ron! That was my foot!

RON: There's something moving out there.

He sounded terrified.

RON: I think someone's coming aboard!

In a few seconds, the window had frozen over and their breaths were visible.

Another jolt,  huge this time.

RON: Bloody hell! What's happening?!

Something appears out of the corridor, floating towards the door; something black, shapeless and mysterious.

It reaches out.

The Great Hall held their breath.

The door slides open and a horrible hand with long fingers like crooked, dead twigs reaches around it into the compartment.

A hooded black shape looms in the doorway.

The creature's breathing is raspy and deep, as though it was trying to inhale something more than air.

The rattling breath became louder as it drew closer to Harry.

Malfoy smirked; he was about to see the famous Harry Potter faint.

The creature loomed over the boy. He stared helplessly at the figure, it seemed to draw the energy out of him. His body went stiff.

Professor Lupin's eyes snap open and he throws off his cloak, standing up pointing his wand directly at the threat.

White light bursts out of his wand and the creature disappears.

James and Sirius high-fived Remus, exclaiming in unison, 'Nice one, Moony!' Remus smiled fondly at his friends, whom he had missed for years.

Harry hears a woman screaming.

[cut to Harry opening his eyes, lying on the floor of the compartment]

HERMIONE: Harry! Harry, are you alright?

Harry looked up and saw Hermione, Ron, Lupin and Ginny standing over him, concerned.

Draco, Sabrina and Daphne Greengrass (Sabrina's friend) all snorted at the look on Harry's face.

Harry seemed like he was trying to sink as far into his chair as possible.

Hermione hands Harry his glasses and he puts them on.

HARRY: Thank you.

He sits up.

LUPIN: Here, eat this. It'll help.

He holds out a piece of chocolate. Harry hesitates.

LUPIN: It's all right. It's chocolate.

Looking confused, Harry takes it.

HARRY: What was that?

LUPIN: It was a dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now. It was searching the train for Sirius Black. If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver.

He left.

'Y'know, you haven't aged a day since school, Remus' James says, unconvincingly.

Hello, guys, gals and non-binary pals!

Sorry for the slow update but for some reason, I avoided writing this one.

Again, there aren't any Avengers reactions but I promise there will be more! 

Please remember to comment and give any suggestions and opinions!


Word count: 580

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