Chapter Nine

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You and the band decided to go out that night to celebrate closing the first show of this leg of the tour. You went back to your hotel, changed into something proper fit because you're proper slutty sometimes when you let the moment take over. And that's exactly what happened a few minutes into stepping out on the floor, the dim lights and house music pumping through your veins as you threw your arms up and let it take control.

You were basically just wearing a bralette with a high waisted pleated skirt that showed off your legs as it hit just at mid-thigh, being generous. You weren't wearing heels because you weren't going to break an ankle before you even wrapped up your tour but went for a classic pair of sleek black and white Nikes instead. It was a look. Nobody was staring at your footwear as you shook your ass and danced up against more than a few strangers, finding your mates between the packed club now and then. Paul was on duty tonight, so he sat off to the side just to keep an eye out in case anything happened, but he insisted on bringing one of your other ones out so they could see how hectic it could get when you weren't in a security surrounded stadium or arena. Natasha volunteered and most of you thinks it's because Bucky was exhausted from dealing with screaming fans all night, so this way he could get back to his room and crash.

'Mama didn't raise no bitch – she didn't raise a woman just to take a man's shit'

You felt so good with a nice buzz going, not caring for a second if this was going to be hell for the flight you had in a couple of hours, and you couldn't stop dancing.

'Said I could have it all if I really think big – gotta focus on the bag, not the boys who be up on my dick'

You found yourself nearly falling against the bar next to Paul with Natasha on his other side, raising your glass to silently ask for another and the bartender hurried over. You side glanced Paul with a smirk, and he huffed with no malice behind it before Natasha was whispering something to him. He nodded before getting up, patting you on the shoulder, and then leaving. You pouted at the loss of your friend as the bartender prepared you another fruity drink that went down almost too easy, but then the seat where Paul's ghost remained was suddenly occupied by a cute stranger.

"Hi." She greeted, a cheeky smile spread across her lips, and you raised an eyebrow, blindly taking the drink offered back to you by the bartender.

"Hi," You gave just as much cheek as she did or more, "What's your name?"

"Val," You took a long drink, watching her as she watched you right back, her eyes slipping down your neck as you swallowed to land on your chest, sneaking a peek at your slightly defined abs poking out of the hem of your skirt, and then landing over your bare legs as her words caressed your skin, "Any chance you want to get out of here with me?"

"She can't," A gruffer voice cut in and your foggy mind took a moment to realize it came from behind Val, "She has a flight to catch."

Val sighed, "Too bad. Could've been fun."

"I've got a few hours still, don't I?" You wondered, not sure where your phone was, and Val looked hopeful again until the brooding redhead piped in, yet again.

"Nope, we're leaving in ten minutes. Driver's almost here. And Paul has your phone, he's just getting your friends."

Val rolled her eyes before taking your drink's napkin to scribble something down with her eyeliner pencil that she fetched from her pocket, "Here," She handed it to you, "In case you're ever in the city again."

You gave her a nod with an apologetic smile, and you were about to rightfully sulk after she left, but then your arm was being yanked, and you were being dragged out of the club, stumbling a bit as you went. You went to put up a fight, but then you were being thrown into the backseat of a black car and someone was climbing over you.

"Nat? The fuck?"

"You're such a drunk dumbass," She grumbled halfheartedly, and you sighed, moving to snuggle into her side because you felt cold and a bit clingy, but then she gently shoved you off, "Hold it together, you're not in your right mind."

"Why're you so mean?" You only slurred a little and she pressed her lips tightly together, letting out a sharp exhale, "What have I done to you?"


"Then...por qué?"

Her face scrunched up as she tried not to laugh, letting out a low chuckle in the end, and you let your eyes close – the sight of Natasha Romanoff smiling and hearing her laugh was definitely something you wanted to save.

You woke up with a start, trying to blink yourself more awake as someone shook your shoulder, "Sorry, kid," It was Paul, "But it's important."

You were on your private plane – you assumed Paul carried you on after you must've passed out on the ride to the airport, but you only had a slight headache as a hangover right now, and you were wearing a hoodie that wasn't yours, so only the sight of one man could make a hangover worse. Well, there's plenty of men who could. But like. In your life. Or...well, you get it.

"After that little stunt you pulled last night on stage," It was Johnny and he was looming over you where you sat, feeling small on the plane's couch, "I've signed you up for a cooking video for charity – people are calling you a slut and a gay sex symbol – if you don't tone it back and get the attention from straight males again, it's over! You can kiss all this goodbye, not one city will want to host you when your streams and sales drop."

Your brain was trying to catch up and you definitely heard one thing out of that, so you excitedly looked to the first person on his left which happened to be Natasha, "I'm a gay symbol?"

"Are you a fucking moron??" Johnny shouted and you flinched, so Bucky pulled him back, "Get your hands off me, you oaf!"

"Sorry, sorry," You rushed out, sitting up and then you buried your face into your hands with a groan, "I didn't mean to piss you off and make you fly back from LA, I-"

"Oh," His laugh was humorless, "I didn't fly back from anywhere."

You scrunched your eyebrows, chancing a look up at him, "Whaddya mean?"

"I had the pilot reroute you back to California and your band is waiting for you in Chile. You'll fly back once we have a"

You felt stress creep up on you, "I'm going to miss rehearsals?"

Natasha and Paul were whispering about something back and forth as Johnny told you the new schedule and then Natasha whispered something short to Bucky before he looked to Paul and then her, nodding in agreement.

"-alerted the band about this little detour and gave your choreographer the night off, not sure why you even have one when you usually just get up on stage and flail around anyway. Seems like a waste of time and money."

"I like Pietro." You felt deflated, thinking of your choreographer, and Johnny sighed deeply, running a hand down his face.

"Barnes and I will fly back with the rest to prepare for tonight," Paul suddenly spoke up, breaking the awkward tension, "Romanoff will stay and escort her back when you're done," Before Johnny could respond, Paul was turning his attention on the redhead, "Don't let her out of your sight – I don't care what room she goes in, you go with her. Screw this up and you won't get a second chance."

You were surprised by how stern he was being, but you didn't miss the ghost of a smirk across all three of their faces. They had whispered about this.

"I won't let you down."

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