Chapter 8. Maternal Deductions

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So, here's how it all went down

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So, here's how it all went down.

I had a party at my house, and it didn't turn out as well as we hoped because, apparently, my beautiful and lovely house caught on fire... Well, mostly.

Let me tell you the story without making it longer than it needs to be.

Last night, before everything started, Graciela convinced me to allow smoking at the party. And even though I don't like the smell of cigarettes, I thought it would be fine as long as it stayed away from me.

And I agreed.

For obvious reasons, we had to turn off the fire alarm... Yes, I know, my bad.

"And she justifies it in three... Two... One...".

Buuut... If you look at it from another angle, my brain, loaded with recent information -the kiss- and so much tension from the disastrous play -the kiss-, couldn't generate the idea that this could happen -the kiss-.

Although it shouldn't have happened, really.

Anyway, moving on... Oh yes, my house on fire.

That sounds lovely.

According to those my mother questioned, they said they tried to have a barbecue (yes, ladies and gentlemen, inside a house with mostly wooden walls), and some hormonal, thoughtless, inept, and very, very drunk teenagers didn't realize that wasn't a good idea.

Of course, they managed to do it if you're wondering, and since the fire alarm was off, the sprinklers didn't go off.

So far, so good. Since, mysteriously, that wasn't the reason I woke up with Ayd... I mean, with the house on fire.

Around two in the morning, another not-so-smart guy and a somewhat thoughtful one decided to make a campfire in my sink to roast marshmallows (although there were none in the house, so I don't know whose brilliant idea that was), and although everything seemed fine at first, someone spilled alcohol on the countertops and -I don't even know how- everything caught fire.

"It's all Geneva's fault for socializing with weirdos."

Everyone was screaming and causing a commotion until Graciela came and manually activated the sprinklers.

Another genius suggested we go to sleep and leave everything as it was... But even with my house mostly burned down, everything was just too good for me.

"See? I told you. What kind of weirdo suggests going to sleep when the house is on fire? No one. No one!"

The sprinklers couldn't reach a specific part of the kitchen, which apparently had the most fire, so the fire continued to burn in that area until now, ten in the morning.

"That's what happens when you throw parties, especially if you're Geneva."


Moving on...

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