29. Stress & Hormones

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Passion's POV: It's been 2 months since Tommy and I got married. Kylie is now 8 months old. She has teeth, and she's crawling. She's so beautiful, and she looks exactly like Tommy. She has so much hair at 8 months old, and she hates getting it combed. Tommy has to distract her in order for me to do her hair. She's going to be a daddy's girl. She loves Tommy to death. Their bond is unbreakable. He spends a lot of time with her, he gets on her level you know he acts like a kid and she finds it so funny. When he comes home from work she cries for him. If she's crawling around, she would crawl too him.

She loves Peebles too, they play together a lot. Things couldn't be better between me and Tommy. He is a good husband. Very understanding, caring, attentive, and secure. I really love him.

Lately, I've been working crazy hours at the hospital, I'm not gone even lie I'm under alot of stress. Sometimes I'm not even there to tuck Kylie in at night. Tommy works alot of cases, so Kylie is either with Judy or at daycare. Tommy was worried about this, he was worried that I would get to caught up in my work. This was my dream I've always wanted to be a nurse, I've always wanted to help people.

I've been really cranky latest, being a newlywed, a nurse, and a mom was kicking my ass. Kylie was teething so she was irritable and cranky as well. Tommy was trying to be supportive and understanding.

One night we went out for dinner because we both got off late, and neither one of us felt like cooking. We went to Pizza Hut for their buffet. I was so moody but hungry. I didn't eat all day that day. We both was tired and wiped out but we had to eat.

Tommy: Chante are you okay?

Me: yes.

I continued eating, I fed Kylie some of her baby food, she was a little upset because she couldn't have what we were eating. I was afraid that the pizza sauce would upset her stomach.

"Kylie darling, please eat for mommy". I said

She cried and turned her head. I was so irritated. Tommy grabbed her.

Tommy: babe, just give her a little bit it shouldn't hurt.

Me: Tommy I'm afraid that it might make her sick.

Tommy: babe she ate our wedding cake at 6 months old, I think she'll be okay.

Me: no Tommy she has to eat her baby food. Damn stop going against what I say.

I snapped at him, I didn't mean too. He just looked at me.

Tommy: okay what is your deal? You have been acting like a bitch for almost 3 weeks now, what's wrong honey talk too me?

Me: a bitch? So now I'm a bitch? Wow.

Tommy: really out of everything I just said, that's the only part you heard?

Me: why would I not be upset that my husband is calling me a bitch?

Tommy: I didn't call you a bitch, I said you're acting like one.

Me: whatever let's just go.

We grabbed Kylie and our things and left. The ride home was quiet, Kylie fell asleep. We finally made it home, I changed Kylie into her nightie and put her in her crib. I decided to drink some wine, hoping it would relieve some stress, Tommy sat beside me.

Tommy: baby what's wrong?

Me: Tommy I'm stressed, working alot, Kylie is driving me crazy, and I'm trying really hard.

I broke down. He hugged me, took the wine glass from my hand, and held my hands.

Tommy: baby,I'm under alot of pressure too but you gotta tell me when you're feeling like this don't hold it inside, we're married, I am your husband, I'm here for you. I know it's a lot, but fighting or shutting me out is not helping. We will get through this together.

Me: Tommy I didn't wanna bother you, you're already under alot of stress working these cases, trying to be a husband, and a dad, it's alot on you too baby.

Tommy: Chante Hanson you are my wife you could never bother me, yes I am stressed but you and Kylie give me peace, let me be that peace for you too baby it's my job. Stop trying to be so tough, stop trying to be superwoman, you don't have too you're not in this alone, I'm here too baby. Let me be the man.

I smiled.

Me: okay.

Tommy: okay?

Me: yes.

We kissed.

Me: I'm really sorry about snapping at you earlier, I dunno where it came from, I guess my hormones are still outta wack, I dunno but I'm sorry babe.

Tommy: it's okay my love. Now come with me let's go take a hot bath together, sounds good?

Me: yes, one condition

Tommy: what's that?

Me: bring the wine.

We laughed. We went into the bathroom, Tommy ran us a hot bubble bath, with candles and soft music, and of course the wine. We sat in there and talked for a while, I washed and rubbed his back.

Me: you know baby, I was thinking that maybe I could apply for a job at a Dr. Office, it would be mon-fri and I'll be home by 5 that way I'll always be home with Kylie, and can make sure I have dinner on the table how does that sound?

Tommy: sounds good but baby I told you, you don't have to be superwoman, we're a team, but I support you in whatever decision you make. You know that.

Me: I know, I just wanna be able to do my wifely duties as well, I feel like I've been slacking on that as well.

Tommy: Chante.. stop no you haven't you're an amazing wife.

Me: you sure? You're not just saying that to make me happy are you?

Tommy: positive babe trust me if there was a issue I would come talk to you as your husband and we would work through it together please stop doubting yourself I hate when you do that.

Me: I know... I'm sorry.

Tommy: babe don't worry we're going to be okay, I'm in this for the long haul, till death remember? I'm not going anywhere. Chill you're going to worry yourself to death.

Me: okay you're right baby, you're right.

I continued rubbing his back, then he rubbed mines, somehow we ended up making love, that definitely wasn't on the agenda but I wasn't complaining at all. Afterwards we washed up dried off and get into bed. I felt so rejuvenated, Tommy laughed at me.

Tommy: well if I would have known thats all I had to do to then I would have do it sooner.

We laughed.

Tommy: feeling better?

Me: alot better thanks.

Tommy: glad I could be some assistance.

We fell asleep.

FIRE, DESIRE, & PAIN : A 21 JUMP STREET LOVE STORY Where stories live. Discover now