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"Man, I wonder how those two are doing? Felt like forever since I've seen them." Hisashi said to himself at his desk at home. He looks at a picture of him, Inko and little baby Izuku together.

"I do wish that I could go back there but work is the only thing holding me back. If only they can come here to Amer-"

Hisashi immediately takes the phone and calls Inko.


Izuku just came back from home after saving Bakugou from that slime villain in the plaza.

"Man this day was something, I've met All Might near school, me and Bakugou almost died from a slime villain but All Might saved us in time, and cherry on top of that, All Might offered me his quirk! Man, I wonder what surprise is waiting for me next!" Izuku said as he walked in his home.

"Mom! Im home!" Said Izuku. He was greeted with suitcases of his and Inko's clothes in the suitcases.

"Ummm? Mom whats going on?" Asked Izuku

"Oh hi Izuku! Ive got Amzaing news! We'll be staying with your father at America!" Shouted Inko with a large smile on her face. Izuku was shocked indeed and happy at the same time but then he remembered that he'd left his friends behind.

"Wait how long are we staying there?"



Inko then sees the mood change her son presented.

"Izuku... I understand it's hard to leave your friends behind. But, you can still keep in contact with them. And it's not like you won't see them forever, we'll come back and visit from time to time. Plus you'll have time to say bye to them, we leave in 3 days. " Inko said while putting her arm around Izuku's shoulder. Although he wont be able to see them face to face, hearing their voice time to time is good enough. Izuku nods his head and smiles.

"Yeah, that's true." said Izuku with a smile on his face.


"WHAT?! YOU'RE GOING TO AMERICA?! YOUR SO LUCKY!" shouted his friend.

"You think so?" asked Izuku

"Yeah, did you not hear about the cool things in America? Their heroes are as cool as the heroes here. Well, not All Might cool but you get what I'm saying." said friend #2

"Plus that's where California is at! I always wanted to go to California and New York. When you do go PLEASE TAKE PICS!! PLEASE IZUKU!" said friend #3 as she shook Izuku back and forth.

"Either way, we'll miss you Izuku. We wish nothing but the best for you." said Friend 1 while putting his hand on Izuku's shoulder. Izuku smiles as friends 2&3 go in for a hug as they went for a group hug.

"I'll miss you guys but this isn't over, we'll still keep in touch with each other." said Izuku as they all nodded their heads. As the bell rang, they all decided to walk home together someone tapped Izuku's shoulder.

"Oh... Bakugou. Whats up?" asked Izuku

"Heard you going to Merica."

"Yeah. Yeah I am."

"Hmph. I really don't care, I'm just here to wish you luck."

"Thanks Bakugou and don't think I'll forget about our rivalry. This still keeps going even though I'm on a whole different hemisphere, I'm still going be a better hero than you. " Said Izuku with a smile as he punched Bakugou's arm. Bakugou smirks as sparks go off.

"In your damn dreams nerd."

"May the best man win." Izuku puts his fist out as he and Bakugou fist-bump each other.

"See you on the other man."

"You too." Replied Izuku to Bakugou as he walked away with his friends on his final walk home with them. The moment was bittersweet, but it was exciting. To them, it was like seeing their own friend going overseas and representing his friends and country in America. It was kickass for a someone to be a transfer student to another country outside Japan, but going to the big Red White and Blue, Land Of The Free Country was something else. After saying his final goodbyes and pics, he gets home to his mom almost having everything packed up.

"The day is getting closer. Are you excited Izuku?" asked Inko with a big smile on her face. Izuku returned the smile as he nods his head.

"Yeah! Yes I am!"

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