Unexpected Blessings Came for me

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Ivy Smith and Liam Mike were your typical rich married couple. Ivy was a housewife while Liam owned multiple successful businesses. Despite their wealth, they had a deeply loving and active relationship. Liam was madly in love with his wife; every time he returned from work, he hugged her and waited for her to pet his head, relieving all the stress that had built up.

They met in high school, after Liam got rejected by a girl for being too skinny and weak-looking. Ivy, a new student, found him crying and sat next to him, asking what was wrong. When Liam saw her, he thought he saw an angel. Her flowy hair, pearly eyes, and fair tan skin captivated him. He particularly loved the mole on her lips.

After he told Ivy what had happened, she helped him improve himself. Throughout high school, he ate healthily, joined the volleyball team, got a haircut, and improved his lifestyle. He went to the gym and became taller and more muscular. Although many girls loved his physique, he only had eyes for Ivy. They confessed their love for each other and went to college in the same city. After six years of dating and one year of engagement, they got married. Ivy is 29 while Liam is 27. Ivy often teased Liam for being younger, but he liked the teasing.

Every morning, Ivy woke Liam up with a smile, saying, "Wake up! Work time," and he would wake up cuddling her. He took a shower, ate breakfast while talking to Ivy, and then went to work. However, one day he returned from work visibly angry. His business meeting had been messy, his coffee machine had broken and spilled everywhere in his office, and his brother wanted to borrow more money despite not having returned the previous loan.

Ivy saw him coming back and, noticing his anger, sat next to him. She ignored his initial grumpiness as he started drinking his whiskey. "L, is something wrong? I don't like it when you're mad; it brings negative energy," she said, concerned. Liam poured out everything that had happened to him that day. Ivy giggled, petted his head, and said, "Let my magical pets help you, you little boy." Liam became calm and collected. He loved his wife and her energy.

Then, Ivy seemed thoughtful, as if she had something important to share. "Liam," she said softly. "What's wrong, baby?" he replied. Ivy looked at him and said, "I'm pregnant."

Liam was shocked. Pregnancy? The thing he always wanted? He couldn't believe it. "No way," he said. "Well, guess what?" Ivy said, giggling. "It's twins, isn't it?"

"Ding ding ding, you got it, sweet cheeks!" Ivy confirmed.


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