The Gift of Forgiveness

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Four years later, Ivy gave birth to beautiful twins: a boy named Ares and a girl named Tia. During these past few years, Liam's happiness soared. Watching his children grow and thrive filled him with joy, and his love for Ivy deepened even more. He always bought gifts for the kids weekly and a bouquet of flowers for Ivy monthly. Ivy loved to see Liam happy.

Liam loved his kids. Ares was a good boy, while Tia was energetic and always wanted fun and adventure. Tia didn't like the fact that her brother was a goody two-shoes; she wanted to run around with him and play dangerous games. While Tia was a daddy's girl, Ares was a mama's boy. Ares was like his mom—quiet and introspective—while Tia was nothing like her parents. She was more like Liam in her love for fun, and they always had a great time together.

One day, Tia accidentally threw a vase and broke it. Ares felt bad while Tia panicked, knowing how upset their mom would be. Ivy always kept things neat and in order, and this vase was their wedding gift. Tia and Ares agreed to fix it together, using duct tape and a glue stick. When Ivy woke up and saw the messy vase, she was surprised, and Liam, standing next to her, burst out laughing. Ivy got mad and scolded everyone. After that day, the three of them swore never to touch a vase again.

However, Tia couldn't shake off the guilt. Her brother had gone through the trouble to help her, only to get scolded. She went to her dad and said, "Dad, I want to get Mom and Ares a gift." Liam was surprised. His daughter? Wanting to give a gift? Did she turn into an angel? He agreed, and they went gift shopping together. Tia got her brother an electric scooter and her mom a diamond bracelet, of course, with her dad's money. But Liam was happy; after all, it was a gift for his sources of light, wasn't it?

After they returned home, he asked her, "When will you give them the gifts?"

She said, "Wait, I want to try these things before giving them away." Naturally, she wanted the scooter and the bracelet for herself. But before anything else, Liam scolded her, saying, "Tia, you got these gifts for them, not for yourself." She laughed and called out her brother's and mom's names. They came, confused, and she surprised them. Ares hugged her, and Ivy initially got mad because it was a diamond bracelet. But then she laughed, saying, "Tia, you baby, I love you. You don't need to buy me a gift as an apology. Listen, I'm sorry I scolded you guys."

Tia laughed and hugged her mom. After this day, it became Liam's favorite memory.


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