Chapter 6 Cliff

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A few weeks later, we reached our first island, and we were greeted by excited Narnians. Susan and Peter may have tried to listen to me that night, but they still argued.

We were at a centuar named Cyrus' Place. Peter and he were discussing improvements to the island. I was sitting next to Armand, who was telling me all about his home.

"You'll like it there. I hear you have an interest in art?" He said excitedly.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Well, my Father, Prince Horatio has the biggest art collection in Archenland," he informed me.

"Armand," Peter said, "As I've said like a hundred times before, my sister will not..."

"Peter, maybe you should compromise," Ruth interrupted him; we all knew an argument was coming.

"Of course, Verity will be going to Archenland," Susan insisted, "With me."

"Why do you want to come to Archenland, Su?" Lucy asked.

"So I can visit a dear friend," she eyed Irvin, who made no heed; he was talking to Tumnus.

"Neither you nor Verity will go to Archenland. Verity has school to attend," Peter retorted.

"No, she will not be returning," Susan remarked obstinately."Do you, dear?"

"Well, I..." Didn't Peter understand? I was in danger at Tashbaan, but I hadn't told him I was. I couldn't. And I didn't want to hurt his feelings or Susan's.

"She must," Peter returned,' I'm the High King and her older brother."

"I'm her older sister; I know more about what she wants than her brother would," Susan said angrily.

I decided it was my time to leave, perhaps on a walk.

"Where are you going?' I turned around to face Mr. Tumnus.

"Just for a stroll," I replied casually.

"Very well, your majesty," he said.

I made my way up a mountain path, we had explored yesterday. I loved the mountains, it gave me such a scope for the imagination. I loved the wind in my hair and how small everything looked. It made it feel like my problems were that small.

I made my way up the mountain. It was dark, but the moon illuminated upon the sea.

"Help!" I heard someone bellow.

I hurried down the mountain,' Hello, I'm Queen Verity, where are you?" I climbed up another mountain. I tore my breeches on a branch. I dressed in pants because it made travelling easier.

"I've fallen down a ledge!" someone cried. I reached the ridge and swung myself on top.

"I wish I had a light; where are you?" I called down.

"I see your hand, I'm not far done," the person said. I reached down and felt a pair of furry hands grab mine. A bear!

"You're too heavy," I groaned.

"I'm only but a cub,' whimpered the bear.

There was enough light to see a small ledge, I climbed down and grabbed the cub. He wasn't too heavy, I used all my strength to hoist him up to the top.

I tried to climb up of myself, gripping the edge, but my hands slipped.

"Help!" I cried.

"Your majesty!" The cub tried to grab my hand, but it was too late. I couldn't hold on any longer. I fell and landed on something hard, I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. My hand came away sticky with blood.

3rd person Peter

"Where is she?" Peter asked. After an hour's argument.

"She left," Cyrus said.

"Must've gotten tired of your arguing," Irvin replied.

"She should've come back by now," Lucy added frightened.

"It has been more than two hours,' Edmund explained.

"She went for a walk," Mr. Tumnus informed them.

Peter grabbed for his cloak, "Something's wrong!"

The other men and Cyrus and Tumnus followed him outside.

"Verity!" He called, no answer. He then had that feeling that Verity was in trouble!

"Here!" Someone shouted, "The queen Verity helped me up a ridge, but she fell! I don't know..."

"We're coming!" Irvin called.

"Ed," Peter told his brother, "I have that feeling, she's hurt."

"She'll be fine," Edmund assured him.

They made their way up the mountain path they had travelled earlier.

"Over here!" Cried the voice.

Peter made his way up a ridge and the others followed.

"Verity!" He called.

Verity's pov

"I lift my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber." I whispered silently.

"Oh, where is my help now," I sobbed silently, "Am I to die out here? It's so cold. Are you going to send help, or shall I die out here?"

I hugged myself, "Do you see me or hear me? Can't you just snap your fingers, and everything will be different? Isn't that what you do?"

I then heard my brother's voice."Here!" I called, I sat up, I wasn't hurt at least I didn't think I was.

Peter climbed down carefully, "Are you hurt?" He asked, wrapping an arm around me protectively.

I nodded, "I'm more cold than anything."

He hoisted me up the ridge; Edmund met me at the top and took my hand, pulling me up, and then he helped Peter. Who then grabbed me into a hug.

"Don't ever do that again," he said.

I nodded into his shoulder, tears filling my eyes.

Edmund threw his arms around both of us, "I'm glad you're safe."

"All that happened was I fell off a cliff while helping...." I looked around, "Where is that bear?"

"Here," Armand had him in his arms, "Poor chap injured its leg." Our eyes met."You saved him didn't you?"

"Of course, as queen, it is my duty to help my citizens," I said, "What's your name?" I asked the bear.

"I don't have one, Your Majesty; my mother died before she could give me a name," the bear informed me.

"Well, I'll call you Cliff then, you'll come home to us to Cair Paravel. I can..."

"No," Peter interrupted me, "You won't have time to take care of him. You have to return to Tashbaan."

"Someone else can, Peter, please. We're kings and queens after all," I begged.

Peter sighed, "Alright."

"Thank you," I said excitedly, "Finally you're being reasonable."

Peter gave me a questioning look, and I fell back behind Irvin, "Glad you're safe," he said.

I nodded, "Thanks."

"Are your siblings getting too much?" He asked.

"They always argue," I replied, "I'm getting used to it. And besides I don't want to hurt their feelings," I sighed.

"You must tell them the truth, they only want what's best for you. But I know why you left; you're tired of their quarrelling. It will only fix things; it doesn't matter what they say," he explained; he took my hand, "I know how it feels." My face grew red.

Armand had a look of jealousy on his face, and my brothers had an annoyed look on their faces.

I let go of his hand and walked up to my brothers. I waited for Peter to scold me, but he didn't say anything.

Beyond My Control Book #5Where stories live. Discover now