Chapter 30

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Parker's POV

"Good night, Honey." I whisper, kissing Cameron's forehead as I tuck him in. The little boy exhausted himself, playing with Evie when she came home from school.

I close the door softly and make my way to my room with Dennis waiting on the bed. I lean on the door frame, ogling my man, waiting for him to notice.

"I know you're leering, Babe." He chuckles, then looks up at me.

"How could you tell?" I snicker, making my way to the bed to join him.

"Easy. I know when you're nearby." He smirks at me. "I always get this sense of being looked at. Plus, I can feel your attraction through our Bond, you doof."

"All very good points. And if you saw yourself, in my shoes, I guarantee you'd be leering too." I chuckle, and settle in next to him. "So, what's on the docket for tonight?"

He laughs. "'Docket?' Is this some kind of meeting?"

"Well, kind of. I haven't seen my husband all day, and we're discussing things for our children and future. So, meeting." I laugh with him. "The only difference is that our 'meetings' get to end in a fun way."

He growls playfully. "True." He leans in to kiss me deeply. Then takes a deep breath when we break away. "Alright, so first things first. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm feeling pretty good. As long as I stay away from meat, I can keep most things down. Kind of silly, but it's working."

"That's wonderful, Babe!" He grins at me. He takes another deep breath and readies himself for the next part. "Then, the next thing..." He pauses. "If the kids have Witch or Warlock abilities, and I'm fairly certain that Cameron does, they're able to find their Linker by age five, because they need their other half in order to keep their powers in check. When they have a strong affinity for either water or fire, they're able to find their Linker at any age, including when they're in the womb. Which I think is what's happened with Cameron and Charlie."

"Wow." I gasp at the information.

"There's more." He whispers. "If either Charlie or Cameron get hurt, Cam could lose control of his powers. The book I found in the library said that one gets taken or dies, the other loses control of their power, bringing devastation. The words it used were 'if one is taken or dies, the surrounding area of at least a hundred miles will be brought to its knees and all shall perish.'"

"Oh my god." I can't believe this. My boys will be extremely powerful, but also dangerous. And someone wants to take one of them. "What are we going to do? We can't let them get hurt or taken..."

"Of course, Babe." Dennis whispers and hugs me tightly. "Pops, Stacy, Alpha Jenkins and I are going to brainstorm ideas to keep them safe. We're also meeting the Alphas of the surrounding Packs next week. We're obviously not going to tell them everything, just to be on the safe side, but they've agreed to patrol for any former Northern Mountain or Broken Shadows rogues."

"Good." I whisper. "I can't let my boys get hurt or taken."

"Of course, Baby." He kisses my temple. "I just wanted you to know. I don't want to stress you out, but I know you wouldn't like me keeping anything from you."

"You're damn right." I chuckle. "I'm still confused as to why they want to take Cameron away." I sigh.

He sighs too. "I don't think they knew the extent at first. I don't know if they did any research, or just wanted to get any descendants of the Narthens clan. But now that Cameron has found Charlie as his Linker, whether he knows or not, we can't let him get taken. That would be awful for our family, of course. But the devastation he could unintentionally unleash."

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