chapter 12

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Johnnie is sitting in front of his PC streaming. He's not reading the chat because he knows all people will be talking about the Jake thing. He didn't say anything about not reading chat though but he was right everyone was just talking about Jake and the video. 

“Oh yeah im not reading chat today i probably shouldn't have waited until 30 minutes to tell you guys that but whatever.” Johnnie said playing the game he was farming on.

“I'm going to be rich, watch me.” He said jumping around in the stupid roblox tycoon. 

The chat slowed down a bit after he said he wasn't reading chat but people got angry, some at johnnie others at other people in the fandom.

PixieStick99: Of course he is too lazy to read his chat.

WWEfan9: he's not reading because he doesn't want to talk about his boyfreind jake

Jakewebbersimp: bro no one cares if he doesn't want to read the chat. He's probably not reading because of people like @PixieStick99

“Ugh i don't want to keep jumping around here.” Johnnie said, closing out roblox and grabbing his guitar from his bed.

“Uh i guess i'll read chat for a second to look for a song..”

Johnnie glanced at the chat and saw song requests. Johnnie kept  getting spammed with messages about the video and scoffed.

“Can you guys shut the fuck up about it? Whatever was leaked was personal.” He said leaning back and putting chat on mod only. He strummed his guitar and decided to play zombie as it was his most streamed song. 

Jake had come into the house with one thing on his mind that he was actually doing. He needed a cigarette to contemplate this but remembered he ran out. He sighed walking towards johnnies room but stopped when he heard the singing,

He couldn't help but listen to johnnie as he finished the song a light blush casing over his face. He then shakes himself out of his thoughts and knocks on the door. Johnny's face lights up as he hears the knock. 

“I'm alive! What do you need?” Johnnie said as Jake opened the door, walking in, staying out of frame.

“Uh do you have a pack of cigarettes?” Jake asked as johnnie grabbed a pack of his desk and threw them to jake who caught them. 

“Thank you.” Jake said leaving and johnnie noticed something was a bit off with jake but he was still happy to see him. 

“Hey guys i think i'm going to end the live early sorry.” Johnnie said, pressing the end live button. He went to his bed and spread out like a starfish. He started thinking about the video. 

What was it about? Was he talking about me.. No he would never, mabye him and tara are getting back together? No no they can't . Wait, why do I even care? 

Meanwhile Jake was taking a deep inhale of smoke and feeling the side effects of it and looking at the sun beginning to set. His thoughts feel like they're consuming him. 

I just can't tell him he'll think it's weird but at the same time it hurts and if that happened would it really be bad if i lost a person like that. I don't think johnnie would ever do that to me. 

Jake sighed as he finished his cigarette, walking inside his whole body shaking as he walked into Johnny's room seeing him sprawled out on his bed. Jake giggled a bit as he set the cigarette box on johnnie's desk. 

“Johnnie, get ready I'm taking you out tonight.” Jake said Johnny got confused but Jake would do thi sometimes so he went with it and started getting ready when Jake left the room.

Jake spent a minute making sure everything was perfect. He made this plan last minute but he was confident it was good, or more he hoped it was.  He grabbed out one of his expensive colognes and spirits it on his collar bones. 

Johnnie was in his room playing around with his hair until he got it right and then sprayed hairspray on it. He walked out of his room and saw Jake step out about 5 minutes after. He blushed , Jake had really dolled himself up for this.

“Alright get in the car.” Jake said and they got into the car and Jake drove to a park. ir=t was dark at his point and Johnnie was confused.

“Are you going murder me or something?” johnnie said and jake laughed a bit making johnnie laugh

“Yes.” Jake said as he pulled over by a park. And they both stepped out of the car laughing. Soon the laughter died down and Jake sighed as they walked down a path. Johnnie put his hands in his pockets 

“So johnnie..” Jake started off and johnnie looked up at him listing.

“Yeah?” He said and Jake stopped walking and Jake and Johnny turned towards each other.

“About the video it was about. Well.. me being gay..” Jake bit the inside of his cheek but his anxiousness went away when he heard Johnny's giggle.

“Dude  I don't care if you're gay, im bisexual.”  johnnie said and jake smiled.

“Well theres something else..” Jake said and johnnie kept lsting.

“I like you. A lot.” He swallowed the lump in his throat and johnnie kind of froze up and stood there blushing. He didnt know what to say he just stared at jake..

“Im so sorry this whole thing was stupid.” Jake said and hohnnie just looked away and started waking back to the car.

Jake just stood there watching him walk away, getting into the back seat. He wanted to just die right then and there. He felt the need to just fall down and dir immediately. Yet all he could do is look in shame at the ground as a few tears fell down onto the bath below him. 

After like 20 minutes of standing there he  reluctantly walked back to the car and started driving home. From the backseat johnnies voice crocked in a low pity tone.

“Im sor-” 

“Its fine johnnie.” 

happy pride month

Zombie. (Jake Webber x johnnie Gilbert)Where stories live. Discover now