chapter 13(last chaper)

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The car ride was very silent. Jake felt stupid and Johnnie felt horrible doing that to his friend. The tense feeling was overwhelming Jake and he pulled over on the side of the road. Johnnie looked up from his phone seeing Jake  shaking. He felt bad as he just watched.

Jake put his face in his hands and sighed holding back tears to say the least this was the most embarrassing thing he's done. 

“Uh.. are you okay?” Johnnie broke the awkward silence 

“Yeah sorry the road was too much..” Jake replied not daring to look up from his hands because he knows there's tears falling on them. So they sit there for like five minutes until  Jake drives back home.

“Johnnie wake up were here.”  Jake said And Johnny's eyes opened seeing Jake looking back at him.

“Can I just sleep in here?” Johnnie said not wanting to get up but Jake took it as he didnt want to be in the same house as him because of what happened so his smile dropped even more and his eyes felt heavy again. 

“Oh okay go ahead..” Jake said, stepping out of the car. Johnnie found himself confused but he got up and followed behind jake.

“I wasn't being serious..” Johnnie said as Jake was unlocking the door. Jake nodded in response as he opened the door. Both Jake and Johnny walked into the house, Jake trying to head straight to his room.

“Jake, wait!” Johnnie said and he turned around and sighed.

“What?” he said sounding a bit pissed

“I need to check your bandages.” Johnny said out of the blue he didn't know why, I guess he just wanted to spend more time with jake. Weird considering the situation they were in.

“I thought you didn't until tomorrow and I'm not a child. I can do it myself.” Jake said going to walk away again but Johnnie grabbed his hand.

“I uhm..please?” John couldn't find an excuse and Jake sighed again.

“Fine.” Jake followed Johnnie to the bathroom rolling his sleeves up when they got in.

Johhnie carefully unwrapped the gauze and threw it away, a small blush spread across his face when he turned back around. 

He gently grabbed Jake's cut arm and once again gently kissed on top of them. He was shaking a lot now and tried not making eye contact with Jake as he grabbed disinfectant. ]

“Johnnie..”  Jake said and johnnies heart dropped.

“Yeah..?” he said, pouring a few drops of disinfectant on a cotton swab. 

“Are you just trying to fuck with my goddamn feelings beacuse you think its funny!?” His voice raised, causing johnnie to drop the cotton ball and flitch slightly. He stared up at Jake quietly before going to shake his head no. 

“Dont even try to fucking say no! Get the fuck away from me ill take care of my goddamn self!” Jake said, turning and leaving. Johnnie stood stunned for a minute then came the realization and tears streamed down his cheeks. 

He just left the bathroom and laid down on his pellow trying to stop himself from crying because he felt like he had no reason to. 

He pulled out his phone and texted tara

Emo cheese ball: Tara? You awake 

Sugers mom: when am i not? Wsg

Emo cheese ball: i don't really know, can i talk to you jakes mad at me.

Sugars mom: Do i need to call him?

Emo cheese ball: No no no dont this is my fault

Sugers mom: You always say that, but what happened?

Emo cheese ball: He came out to me and then told me he had a crush on me and I was kind of put in the spot and I guess I rejected him? But tbh i kinda think i feel the same and i tried helping him with an injury and he yelled asking if i was just leading him on.  And honestly i think thats what ive been doing and js haven't realized? Yk

Sugers mom: Oh my god y'all are so stupid, give him a minute then talk to him. Will I calm him down for you?

Emo cheese ball: alr thank you

Johnnie was left to be delivered. He bit at his jails hoping he didn't just lose his best friend. He heard him laughing a few minutes later assuming he was on the phone with tara. He grabbed makeup off his nightstand and fixed his makeup. He walked into Jake's room. 

“Jake.” He said Jake looked over, seeming a bit upset and set his phone down. Tara went on mute just listening.

“Johnnie.” He said back. Johnnie sighed and just walked up to Jake looking at his lips for a second.

“What are you doing?” Jeke said and johnnie took a deep breath shaking. He put his hand on Jake's chin and hesitated for a minute. Jake's face lit up a bit.

Holy shit this is happening.. Just do it hes going to think your a fucking weirdo just do it.

“Jake can i uh..” johnnies whole body was shaking and jake grabbed johnnies free hand having johnnie sit next to him.

he put the hand he was holding onto his own chest letting johnnie feel his heartbeat. He slid his hand up Johnny's arm and put his hand on Johnny's chest.

“It's okay, I'm scared to, let's just.. take it slow johnnie.” Jake smiled and Johnnie, whose breathing was calming down, nodded. 

“Johnnie, how do you honestly feel about me? Take as long as you need to answer.” Jake said and it was silent for a few minutes.

“I like you more than a friend..” Johnnie said followed by a shaky breath. Jake smiled.

“I feel that way about you too, but you already knew that. I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier.” he spoke softly, taking his hand off johnnies chest.  Johnnie took his off of jakes a bit after as well.

Johnnie crawled up closer to Jake, Jake took the hint and laid down letting johnnie lay his head on top of him. He let his arm wrap around him and saw he was already falling asleep. He looked over to his phone to see Tara and just flipped off the camrea hearing the sound of the phone hanging up.

last one as nobody is reading this book anymore<3

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