| Chapter Seventeen |

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Their hearts in a calm tug towards each other.


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Thunder. Gray clouds. Summer. Suffocation.

The four things crossed the fifteen year old boy's mind the second his brown innocent eyes stared at the morning sky from the unfamiliar place he was standing at the moment, living for a few days now and drowning bit by bit from the suffocation in it.

Alvarado royal palace.

The silver haired boy had his booted feet on the yard of the palace; a white poet shirt, and black pants with puffed sleeves of a attire for how it goes in this place and he wasn't used it it, not this place, not this country, not the people living here for how he was under the shelter of yet not felt safe enough to be sheltered.

He had woken up for a warm daylight yet was greeted with a thundering gray sky of clouds.

The one with a sorrowful reminder of his parents demise.

The one that made him distrustful towards the people; the one that left a suffocation and darkness in his heart.

It had been a few days since his parents died or were put to death; he believed it was the latter because the words of his father before meeting his demise had him confirm it.

Baekhyun turned around, tilting his head upwards a bit so the sight of the magnificent palace of a gleaming golden was in his eyes yet unable to shine because of the gray clouds like his eyes for it; he couldn't find the shine in this palace, or in the people, he had never been here because his mother left this place to get married to his father with a will of not coming back here again.

Yet he was here without them.

Their death became the reason for it.

His heart clutched unpleasantly and his eyes teared up but he didn't cry; he was supposed to hold it in to be stronger, to fight the people who had been badmouthing him, his mother, his father behind his back or whenever he was passing by with lots of names; he hated it.

He didn't want to be here.

Yet he had no option right now.

But he couldn't even sit back and listen to the crap of these people; he had to do something to get his father's tarnished name out of this misery.

The next thing he had forwarded his steps into the palace; his loud steps echoed in the silent hallway with the thunder as he gulped, he was frightened, because he had no one to have his back, and he was alone, but he couldn't give up without a try either.

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