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second year of college is starting soon! it normally wouldn't be so exciting but i can finally see tai again! we met online a few months to a maybe even year ago. we've already met each other in real life a few times but I'm so excited that we can go to the same college now!


meeting tai today? yessir! its been like 2 months since I haven't seen him. which isn't super long since we called like yesterday but im just too happy to go to the same college as him. and im meeting up with him in 3 hours already! um gonna ask my friends uf they wanna come with me.


im on my way to the place im gonna meet tai at the others din't have time to come and meet up with tai and me so its just me and tai. we'll probably just be goofing around and get some food to snack. i dint actually plan anything. but we are just gonna have some fun i guess.

as the underground/subway gets to my station, i walk out and look at my phone. 10 minutes left. i quickly walk up the stairs and to the place we where gonna meet at. and to my surprise, tai was already standing there! i recognized him mainly by his bigass white cone. he wasn't facing me so i had a plan. im gonna jump him from behind. that'll be do funny.

i get closer to tai and hug him from behind. "Tai!!" i said as i hug him. "dude, ronin! don't scare me like that, man!" we both laughed. "oh god, your reaction is too good." i laughed as i let go of him.

the rest of the day we talked, ate some food and messed around.

such an amazing day with tai.


313 words

this is so random but i love ittt

- isso <3

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