"I told you not to." / Adrian backstory

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adrian is 19 in this story

also little AU if where adrian and his gf (veronica) are long distance :D



"Vero?" i called her out as i entered her messy apartment. "Adrian!! hi babe!" she said as she walked up to me and hugged me tightly. "i almost missed my train but I got it last second." i said, as i hugged her back and kissed her on her cheek. "i dint expect you at all today. but im glad so you came!" she said happily.

we both let go of each other. "and how have you been doing?" i asked her as i brushed by thumb over her soft cheek. "im getting better i think. I've been clean for 2 days now!" i said proudly. "that's amazing, vero! im so proud of you." i said before i kissed her. i then took my shoes and jacket off. "and you? how's it with the car?" she asked me. "oh, yeah, its getting fixed right now. it should be fixed next week. anyways, do you have any food i can eat for dinner?" i asked her. i was hungry and the train food was definitely no option. "uh, i got a 5 minute stuff. the mashed potatoes one." she answered, still thinking about any other food she could've had left. "uh yeah I'll take that one." i said, smilling at her.


it was about 4am when i woke up, only to find myself alone in our bed. she was gone, again. i rubbed my eyes and stood up. i walked to the balcony only to find her smoking weed again. she always says she quit, though i guess she never really did. i dint want to disturb her, since she's in her thoughts and im tired anyways. so i walked back into our room and went to sleep.

i woke up again, this time around 9:30am. i get the motivation to sit up. i looked around again, to find vero next to me, still sleeping peacefully. i carefully get out of bed and get dressed. i walked to the kitchen and made myself breakfast.

i sat on the couch, eating my breakfast as i see a freshly awaken, and definitely still tired, veronica. "morning, love." she said quietly. "good morning, babe" i said as i smiled at her.

she did her usual morning routine and sat down next to me.

"im going partying today, babe!" she said excited. partying. that means she'll most definitely take drugs again. her friends, if you can call them that, always get her to do any drugs they had to offer. every time. and she went partying often. im worried her friends get her to take too many drugs. "okay. just- stay save, and don't take too many drugs, if you take some at all, alright?" i said, not liking the idea of her taking drugs again. "don't worry, adrian. I'll watch it, ok?" she offered me, really wanting to go out with her friends again. "yes.. sounds good." i still wasn't very convinced but i couldn't do anything about it anyways.

the rest of the day went as usual. she went partying as i played a few games with ronin and noah.

it must've been around 11pm when i got a call from Veronica's best friend, leah. i accepted the call.

"Leah? is everything good? why are you calling me?" i said concerned. Leah usually only called me when something happened to Veronica. "uhm.. adrian? we need you at "××××××××× street. fast. its about vero." she said nervously. my eyes instantly widened as i heard the address. that's the nearest hospital. something serious must have happened to veronica.

i instandly got up, told ronin and noah i had to go, got dressed and took the next train to the hospital. i was incredibly worried. what happened to Veronica? did she pass out? did she break a bone? it couldn't be.

i arrived at the hospital. "hello? how can I help you?" a nurse said. "hi, im here for Veronica Smith?" i said. "Veronica Smith.." she repeated. "miss Smith should be in the intense emergency room 4. down the hallway, at the back right." she explained to me. i thanked the nurse and made my way down the hallway. i got to the emergency room and knocked on the door.

"come in!" a voice said. i entered the room and saw my girlfriend, laying on a hospital bed, with a few  machines. my eyes went wide. "what happened to her?" i asked as i looked at the doctor. he responded: "she probably tried overdosing while being absolutely drunk. and well, she's fighting for her life right now. its only the matter of time when we find out if she's making it or not." he said as formal as a doctor does.


it was about 10am. i wad sitting on the couch when I got a call. "hello?" i answered. "hello? this is the ×××××× hospital. is this miss smith's boyfriend?" "yeah.. it is. is she okay?" i asked nervously. "sir... i have bad news. sadly, Veronica dint make it. she died at around 4am." the supposend nurse told me. i felt myself tearing up. veronica died.

"im sorry to deliver those news to you. but I respectfully had to tell you for your own knowledge." she apologized. "thanks for telling me, miss." i said, my voice shaking slightly. "i hope you have a good day, sir." she said as she ended the call. 

i put my phone by my side as i let it sink in. veronica is dead. by overdosing. her stupid fucking friends made her. i bet. i told her not to. before she went outside i told her to not take any drugs, no matter what.

i just sat there, crying, thinking about what i should do next.

i was crying hard, for the next few minutes, hours, the next few days, weeks. hell, even months.

my friends noticed that i wasn't getting sleep, had no energy, wasn't laughing as often, you can imagine the rest.

i told them, and like they would, they did everything for me to have fun, get over her death in a healthy way, and so much more.

im so thankful for them.


words: 1060

i finally finished it!! :D

idk how to write someone in a hospital- but bare with me on this one

- isso <3

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