haunted house exploring

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ronin, zane, noah and donovin were exploring a haunted house. zane and ronin went upstairs to look for the key to get out, and noah and donovin stayed downstairs, looking for anything really.

- with zane and rogurt -

"i think I found the next key!" rogurt shouted from another room. "key to what?" zane asked confused. he forgot their objective. "to the exit door, dumbass." ronin joked as he entered the room zane was in and leaned against the doorframe. "shut up, man" zane said sarcastically. "i wonder what noah and donovin have found so far.. and if the monster is with them or not." Zane said as he got to ronin. "yeah, they're probably fucked, dude." ronin noted jokingly. "wouldn't be surprised if they are already getting chased." zane continued to joke around.


noah and me split up to look more efficiently, but now, a few minutes after we split up, the monster is chasing after me. i was running down the hallway, slowly but surely loosing my breath, when suddenly i got grabbed by my forearm and pulled into a room. it was noah. he pulled me beside him, so our backs were facing the slim wall. we waited for the monster to go away, but it wouldn't. the groaning and the heavy steps wouldn't stop. suddenly i saw the monster peaking around a corner with its white, hollow eyes. my eyes widen as i see it. i quickly took Noah's wrist, i would've grabbed anything but it was the closest, and pulled him into a closet nearby. "what are yo-" "SHH!!" i interrupted him. i dint want the monster to find us in here. because if it did, we're fucked.

we sat there for about 3 minutes, in a closet where we could barely fit in, waiting for the monster to piss off already. the closet was really uncomfortable and our bodies were pushed against each other. i was still breathing heavily from the chase that I just had, where noah, luckily, saved me.

and finally, it did go away. i sighed. noah stepped out before I did. "that was actually fucking close." he looked around to check if the monster really did go away. "yeah im glad we still made it. do you think ronin and zane got the key already?" i asked. "i hope so. i don' wanna be here forever. though, it wouldn't surprise me if they dint. zanes eyes are total shit." noah laughed, trying to lighten the mood. i laughed together with him. because he was right, zanes eyes were shit at some points. especially when it came to looking for anything. i did know that since zane had lived with me for a few month to maybe even a year.

"wanna go upstairs and look?" i asked noah. i really wanted to get out of here as soon as i could. i did not wanna get chased by that thing again. "yeah sure why not? we can help them find the key. i mean i dint see anything interesting down here." noah said. "yeah same. let's just not get caught by the monster again tough." i joked. we both slightly laughed.


ronin re-tied his brown hair as i inspected the key more carefully. there's wasn't much to do. "got it first try!" he exclaimed. normally he took two or three tries. atleast i dint have to wait ages. i put the key into my pocket and as i was about to say something, i saw noah practically sprinting up the stairs. "i told you I'm faster!" he provoked jokingly. "you dint tell me when we would start! that's fucking stupid." donovin pretended so it looked like he actually dint know. we all knew damn well that noah was just faster. we all laughed.

"there you guys are! we were just gonna get you." i said as i finished laughing and catched my breath from laughing so hard. "so you got the key?" noah asked. "yeah! ronin found it in the bedroom." i explained as i took the key out of my pocket and handed rogurt the key.

"let's get outta here, i dont wanna get chased yet again." donovin complained. "wait what? you got chased by the monster? that's crazy!" i said and laughed. "oh shut uuuupp. i dropped a painting by accident and it made a hell loud of a noise!" donovin defended himself. "c'mon guys. let's go outside." ronin said and stepped down the stairs. donovin, noah and i followed.

at the exit, ronin was unlocking the door as i heard a groan. i looked around, to see nothing. "did yall hear that too?" i said quietly. "mh? no? what do you mean?" noah said confused as he looked at me. "you dint hear the groan? it was pretty loud." i explained to them. "well, i, atleast, dint hear anythi-" donovin cut himself off as another, way louder, groaning happened. rogurt kept trying to get the key to twist. the groaning turned into heavy steps, which where slowly approaching us.

then ronin finally got it. we walked out and ronin slammed the door shut right before the thing got to the door. "damn! that could've ended reeally bad." ronin laughed.


880 words

haunted house exploring real!1!1!!1

- isso <3

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