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Rani pov__
She screamed, shouted but noone listened to her or her misery. Now she is standing infront a jackpot,she would be given 11 arrows representing different princes and both kings
Karna(king of anga) and Ashwathama(King of panchal).
She has shoot the arrows to the target point, any of 11 arrows
Reached target, he would be her husband.
She has to shoot all arrows together(because no one can target it, all girls participants
Failed miserably. So, they have believe that she also can't do it).Taking breathe she took hold of Bow and her 11 arrows.She kept
her arrows pointed towards the target.Closing her eyes, she shoot all her 11 arrows. She felt a deafening silences. Slowly she opened her hazel looking eyes, she was shocked seeing the scenery infront of her. She even doesn't know that she has such good skill in Archery. A smile arised in her face.But soon it went away, when she understood the situation. She had shooted all her 11 arrows to the target. She can't imagine how is it possible, she never practiced Archery even the Bow which was given to her is quite heavy. Standing bottom of the ground, she doesn't know what to do.

Their pov__

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Their pov__

Pandavas,Kauravas and two mighty kings are shocked looking towards the scenery. They can't believe, how could it be possible.Now she will have 11 husbands.They had heard many Kings having more than one wife, but they had never heard wife having more than one husband. They all are in dilemma.
They don't have words to speak against this circumstance.

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