Episode 70.....

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Rani pov__

"Bhabhi,You are telling that you kissed my strongest brother cheek and he didn't object it even" Dushala asked Rani, who is standing with her in the Sabha.
"Yes,he didn't object it" She replied before pulling Agastya hair.
"You.. Why did you pulled my hair?" Agastya asked looking at her while rubbing the portion where she pulled.
"My wish, you know I love having fun with you"she replied giving him creepy smile.
"Shut up both of you"Dushala scolded making both of them silent.
She looked to her husbands who are busy in talking with eachother.
" Dushala, do your brothers ever went for any vacation "she asked looking towards Dushala.
" Bhabhi, I think you should better ask my brothers rather than me"Dushala replied irritatedly.
"Dushala, Are you ok? You look irritated" She asked worriedly looking towards Dushala.
"I am ok Bhabhi, it's just that nasty Jaydarath is looking at me like I am his meal"Dushala replied.
" Dushala, he is  just an idiot. Don't mind him"she said before giving squeeze to Dushala hand as a support.Soon they started talking like they are some long distance friends.
While talking, Rani felt like someone is looking at her from down the sabha.so, looked towards only to meet black orbs of Dushasan.

Though she is angry at him for his accusations

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Though she is angry at him for his accusations. Still the love on her heart didn't let the staring session to broke.
She found even in his eyes, his eyes may not be the color of ocean but she is drown in them everytime.He is looking at her, like there is something in her worth looking at and like that she once again fall in love with the way he looks at her.
She broked the eye contact before looking towards Dushala, who is telling her something animatedly.
"Rani" Agastya called her.
"Yes" She replied looking towards him.
"Rani, I think your husbands are noticing the way Jaydrath looking at you continuously" Agastya informed her looking down.
So, she looked down towards her husbands. She saw Arjun is staring at Jaydarath furiously.

"I don't know but if he does something to Jaydarath here,my whole planning will be destroyed" She said nervously looking towards Agastya

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"I don't know but if he does something to Jaydarath here,my whole planning will be destroyed" She said nervously looking towards Agastya.
"Don't worry, nothing will happen. See the Sabha session also completed" Agastya gestured her to look down.
She looked down, she saw all are leaving the Sabha including that nasty Jayadrath also. Soon the everyone left the Sabha except her, Dushala, Agastya and her husbands.
Soon Dushala with Agastya also left.
She climbed down the stairs reaching down. Then she moved towards the entrance without looking at her husbands.
Before she could move out,someone held her hand making her stop.

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