How you met

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Mike Wheeler:

You were the new kid in the Hawkins middle school, you didn't have any friends, you were sitting alone at a lunch table barely eating your food. You turned your head because you felt someone's eyes burn in the back of your head, but no one was looking at you, they probably looked away before you could catch them. 2 minutes later, this guy with an espresso brown hair bowlcut walked over to you. 
"Hey, umm... me and my friends see how you're sitting alone, and we were wondering if you wanted to sit with us, we all went through this before." The kid smiled.
"Oh, really? Yeah, sure." I smiled back.
"Okay, follow me." He said as I stood up. "My name is Will."
"My name is Y/N." I responded as we walked over to his table.
"So, these are my friends, Micheal, but we call him Mike, Dustin, and Lucas" He said pointing to each one. I wave to them, and they wave back. The Mike guy is honestly kinda hot. Anyways, I sat between Will and Mike. I got to know all of them, they all like DnD, which I do too, this is the start of my friendships with all of them.

Will Byers:

My mom signed me up for this art class thingy because I'm good at art, but I honestly just wanted to teach myself, not watching people do art and copying them, but whatever. I was just sitting down drawing whatever I wanted since they said we could do that, because they're lazy fuckers, and then some kid sat next to me.
"I like your drawing." The kid said as I looked up to look at him.
"Thank you." I smiled and I looked at his in shock. "Look at yours! That's super cool, magnificent even!" His face started to go red. 
"Oh, umm.. thank you.." He smiled. "Do you maybe.. wanna be friends.. it's fine if you don't.."
"I would love to!" I exclaimed and he smiled and looked away, probably because his face was red. Maybe this art class won't be that bad after all.

Lucas Sinclair:

You got this babysitting gig for this girl named Erica, apparently she has an older brother that's my age, but he's gonna be at his friend's house, so I don't have to worry about him. I knocked on the door and it got opened by a kid that looked like my age, kinda cute honestly, he must be the older brother.
"Can I help you?" The cute guy asked.
"Oh, umm.. I'm here to babysit Erica?" I responded.
"Oh, ok. Come in." He opened the door for me, motioning for me to come in.
"Thank you." I said as I walked in, his parents then walked into the area.
"Hello, you must be Y/N"  The mom said and I nodded. "ERICA!" The girl I supposed named Erica walked down
"What?" The girl sounded annoyed.
"This is your babysitter, Y/N" The mom responded.
"I don't need a babysitter." Erica responded.
"Don't lie Erica, last time me, mom, and dad left you unsupervised was when you almost burned the house down." The cute guy stated.
"That was an accident, nerd." She responded.
"That makes it worse!" The guy responded.
"Well, I'm sorry about this Y/N, they're always like this, oh, and Lucas isn't going to his friend's house anymore, so he'll be staying here with both of you." Their mom stated.
"Oh, ok, good to know." I smiled. That night, I heard a lot of fights between Erica and Lucas, and I was in the middle of them, but I got to learn about both of them, they both like me better than eachother.

Dustin Henderson:

It was finally lunch time at school, god, how i hate school, so I was waiting in line to get my food, and this kid that's in one of my classes asks the lunch lady for some chocolate pudding, she said she didn't have any, the kid looked sad but said okay. Before he could walk away, I stopped him. 
"Excuse me, lunch lady woman, in fact I know that there is chocolate pudding in that damn fridge, sure, I know you want some, but there's literally sooo many, they restock it every day, so do your job and get this kid some pudding." I said to the lunch lady, she looked pissed but still went to go get some chocolate pudding. The guy looked at me with a smile on his face, his smile was really cute.
"Thank you." He said.
"No problem." I responded. "It was about time someone put her in her place. How can she be so damn greedy?"
"I don't know." He laughed a little. "Do you maybe wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?"
"Yeah, sure." I smiled. After the lunch lady gave him the chocolate pudding, I went over to my friends to tell them I was sitting with other people today. When I sat with the guy, I learned his name was Dustin, and his friends names are Lucas, Mike, and Will. Lucas and Dustin told me that Mike and Will have obvious feelings for each other but they're both oblivious. (I  <3 Byler)

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